Can I bind EP3 / Config Button to Lights on the VZM31-SN?

Hi currently when I bind EP3 to a light bulb it doesn’t do anything. Is this supported? Does Control Mode need to be on or something?

Sorry I thought I tagged Zigbee. Does this apply to Zigbee?

I thought EP3 could be bound to a fan canopy so i thought I might work with a light as well

I tried once, but couldn’t get it to work (2.18 f/w) – I’ll admit I didn’t spend much time troubleshooting or turning over every rock though.

But I’m curious to hear if anyone else has done it… It’s a capability I’m definitely interested to leverage if possible.

You’re right - my mistake. Wrong device so I deleted my (incorrect) info.

It works for me.

See (for binding):

See (for parameters that need to changed). It says “fan”, but it’s bound to a light instead.

Right but that looks like you’re using it with a Canopy Module. I’m trying to just use it as an on/off for a light

The canopy module is controlling a dumb light. I’ve done it with a zigbee bulb (or another 2-1 controlling dumb bulbs) as well.

@rohan, I can see that you’re making this work with Z2MQTT. I’m glad to see that is an option. I’d like to be able to do this with ZHA. Does anyone know how to do that? I’d love to use binding between my blue fan switch and blue canopy module, but so far I’ve only been able to get physical paddle presses of the fan switch to control the canopy fan and light in lockstep, rather than restrict the paddle to only control the fan speed or light dimming.

You can definitely do this with ZHA. The easiest way would be to put the light(s) in a group, and then bind the EP3 LevelControl and OnOff clusters from your switch to that group. If you’re doing this by binding the device as a whole, that’s going to bind both EP2 and EP3 which matches up with what you’re experiencing, so make sure to unbind first if that’s the case. You can then do the same with the two EP2 groups to the other (fan or light).

The alternative to this would be to use ZHA Toolkit to bind the individual clusters directly between devices. This is not as user-friendly of a process though.

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Hmmm Yea I’m trying to control another smart light, no the Canopy Module. Do you have FanControlMode set to something?

Okay so I got EP3 to control a light with MultiTap, but it seems like it’s control speeds for a fan. Can’t seem to do on / off with EPR

Not sure what “EPR” is, but with it set to Multitap you can turn on/off by setting “fanControlMode” to Multi Tap, setting “LowLevelForFanControlMode” to 254 and then you press config once to turn it on and press and hold to turn it off.

This is awesome. I wanted to do this, but had decided it wasn’t possible.

But it seems like it will only work if the bind target has a LevelCtrl cluster. I tried to bind to a smart outlet that only has OnOff, and it would not work completely. It would turn off, but would not turn on.