Sorry I couldn’t find the solid answer after reading how-to and searching community.
If I get the blue fan canopy + one unit of blue fan switch to install onto my chain pulley ceiling fan with a non separated (fan+light load together) switch box, fan control binded to custom button and light control binded to the paddle, can I still use hold to dim function for the ceiling light with paddle? From the how-to and some YouTube video seems to be on/off. Can be with smart bulb or regular dimmable bulb. I’m using HA.
I did pretty much what you’re talking about with some fans in my parents’ house, I just used zigbee smart dimmer. The config button controls the fan speed, and the dimmer does control the lights and I can dim them with it.
It’s a 2-1 because it has both a dimmer mode and an on/off mode. But in your case you are going to use binding. So neither of those are going to matter since they pertain to a wired load.
Sorry I’m pretty new to inovelli. It took me a while to try to understand what ur saying. Did u mean since I will be wiring my switch to the canopy module (and not directly to the ceiling fan or light), it doesn’t matter if I use fan switch or 2-1 dimmer switch since I can bind end point 2 (paddle) to either light or fan end point on the canopy module? Am I understanding it right that u suggest blue fan switch would also give me the same outcome as 2-1?
Also if I use zigbee light bulb for the ceiling fan like hue, is it better to bind the paddle directly to the bulb? Can I even bind blue fan switch paddle to a zigbee bulb and use it as on/off or dimmer?
You are actually going to power the canopy module and the switch separately. (Although you may use the second set of holes on the switches neutral and line terminals.) That may be what you meant. Regardless, there will be nothing connected to the load for traveler terminals on the switch.
The recommended switch for this configuration is the Blue 2-1 Dimmer, NOT the fan switch.
Thank you so much for the clarification. I learned a lot. Totally forgot that the line is bypassing thru the switch to power the canopy. Hope the dimmer switch is back in stock soon.