Can't convert fan switch to exhaust

I have a fan switch in a 4-gang box. I was trying to just turn it to an on/off (exhaust) switch. But no matter how many times I try to convert it when I click on the switch in Home Assistant it still shows high, low, and medium. Instead of just on and off.

I noticed in the manual that, “Smart Fan Mode is used if 2+ Smart Switches are on the same circuit.” The neutrals are daisy chained in the gang box. Is this what the note means. When I first read it I assumed it meant two or more switches connected to the fan, but now I’m not sure. Any insight?

Can you clarify what you mean when you say “neutrals are daisy-chained”?

Like grounds, all neutrals in a box need to be tied together. For each smart switch, use a pigtail from the main neutral bundle in the box.

If more that a few neutrals are in the box, it can get dicey keeping them all well-connected under one nut. Make sure you use an appropriately-sized nut and that the integrity of connections under it are good. Or just use Wago lever-nuts – they’re awesome.

I’m guessing the OP is referring to using the second hole on the switch to go from switch to switch. Perfectly acceptable with a neutral. It is the grounds that you should not daisy chain.

This doesn’t sound like a wiring problem, it sounds like a HA problem.

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Ah, right – I’m not sure where my head was at – thank you for the correction.

OP – apologies for the chaff!

130’s had chaff?

Indeed they do! Thankfully never had to use it for real.

Closest I ever got was a rogue old-FSU tracked-vehicle missile launcher that used to haunt around in Bosnia back in the late 90s / early 00s… It would light you up every now & then (that gets your attention fast!), but AFAIK that bubba never actually launched on anyone.

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Correct. That’s what I meant by daisy chained. Each switch has its own ground.


I believe the fan switch always shows up as a multi speed fan to Home Assistant regardless of the mode it’s in. No matter what speed you select, it’ll be going at full speed when in exhaust fan mode.

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Agreed, the devices don’t change how they present to Home Assistant when their mode is changed. A 2-1 or dimmer also always appears as a dimmer even in on-off mode.

Thank you gentlemen. That answered my question. PJF is correct. My one light switch that is in on/off mode, still shows up as a dimmer in home assistant. Slightly annoying, but at least I know it’s not something I did wrong.