Can't upgrade firmware using Zooz S2 Stick 700 and Smart Things

Ok, that makes more sense. So if the dimmer works in a neutral config and not in the non-neutral config, I would still try the bypass. Even though it’s an incandescent bulb, the dimmer may not be receiving enough power to run properly. The RGB you’re seeing is the switch rebooting probably due to insufficient power.

I read though the thread and I’m confused as to the final firmware on the dimmer? Is it 1.47 or 1.57? SBM has changed a lot of the different revisions.

It started as 1.47. I had tried to upgrade it to 1.57 when I had all the trouble.

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Just ran into this exact same problem on another 700 series controller (zooz ZST10 700). Swapped to an older 500 series controller (aeotech zstick 5) and it instantly went away.