Hi Support - hoping i can get some help, very newbie here!
I used the PC Connector to flash my LZW36 to 1.36 but i’m not sure how to activate option 51 to make the buttons work instantly. Right now it takes 3-4 seconds for both switches to shut off.
I am using smartthings and I didn’t have any issues adding it to the hub. I used the smart things app to go to the device settings and turned parameter 51 to yes, but my switch still has a 3-4 delay for both buttons.
So i guess my questions are:
How do I confirm for sure parameter 51 is on
How do I turn it on myself if smartthings device settings didn’t do the trick?
I’m guessing that you turned disabled the delay via the app. I would verify the setting in the device page in the IDE. If the delay is turned off, that value should be “0”.
After verifying, can you switch Parameter 51 to 1 (ie: turn on the delay) and see if there is a noticeable difference between having it on and turning it off? What I’m looking for specifically is – do you notice a delay from when the bulb turns on (at the lowest setting) when the setting is on or off.
Finally, what may help a bit is to calibrate your bulbs to the switch. What I mean here is let’s find the minimum level that the bulbs truly turn on.
In your ST app, try setting the dim level to 10% – does the lightbulb turn on or is it still off?
If it’s off, try bumping it up to 15% and so on until you see it turn on ever so faintly. That value will be your minimum dim setting that we’ll set
If it turns on at 10%, scroll down to the lowest number before 0% where the bulbs turn off and that will be your minimum dim setting that we’ll set
Now that you found your minimum dim setting, open up the settings on your switch and find where it says something like, “Minimum Dim Level” and enter the number you found above and save.
See if that improves the delay a bit.
Keep us posted. I’m also probably going to move this topic to a separate topic so people can search for this specific issue.
Yeah that is weird… The only thing I can think of is maybe removing the Fan/Light from ST and then re-including it and see if that fixes the version discrepancy.
If it doesn’t, maybe try flashing it again. But it’s just really weird that it shows the correct version on the controller and not in IDE – plus you’re still experiencing the delay.
Quick question – did you remove the switch from ST and then re-pair it? I forgot to ask if you were using PC Controller and a Z-Stick as a secondary controller on ST or if you removed the switch from ST, paired it to a Z-Stick, upgraded the firmware, then paired back to ST.
Hey Eric, I did not actually do that - that’s a great point. I added the 2 device handlers to ST and then added the lzw36 to ST. My original goal was just to get it working in ST. Then realizing the delay and researching into the issue I learned that I needed beta 1.36.
Once added I then connected my zwave hsbs1 to my host pc and installed pc controller (your guys wiki on that is way out of date btw). Took a bit more finagling but once connected I firmware wiped it and left it at that!
I did want to say I went upstairs and tried the dimming test and then dur-dur-dur, I forgot my light was LED and could dim all the way to 1% lol.
I went through the settings in ST, turned most of the transitions to 0, set p51 back to 0, and everything now seems to be instantaneous - feelsgoodman.jpg
I am going to go ahead and delete/readd it back to ST just to do one final connect up
Edit: noticed that i can’t just delete this device, i have to do a zwave exclusion and press some buttons on the lightswitch to reset so i’ll have to try it on my next break