Hello, just got my first Inovelli product after being dissatisfied with previous attempts at full integration of fans with my smart home:
Bond didn’t allow me to dim since my remote didn’t have buttons for brightness up/brightness down, another fan that was purchased with smart capabilities built in had to have the switch at the door left on, etc.
Since we’re in the process of moving some rooms around - and thus ceiling fans - figured I would try this solution, and so far have been happy. Had a few questions though:
My plan was to set up Zigbee binding for simple on/off/dimming so that if there is a problem with HA the switch still works, ensuring maximum WAF.
However, when I try to follow the directions here (Setting Up Zigbee Bindings • Home Assistant - ZHA | Inovelli Help Center) the best I can do is get it so when I press power on or off the fan AND light turn on or off at the same time.
I thought I may have to instead choose one of the clusters individually to bind to - InovelliVZM36LightCluster, for instance - but I may not be doing it right because it seems to act the same.
Assuming I do get zigbee binding working,
Can I have Zigbee binding AND setup scenes? Which overrides which?
I was setting it up via automations in HA since the binding wasn’t working and set it so that holding down and holding up adjusted brightness. However, it doesn’t seem to detect continuous holding; if I hold down for 2 seconds or 10 it only goes one step. Have to let go and hold again. Is there a better way to set this up? Does the zigbee binding method mentioned in guide have same dimming implementation?
It’s important to me that I be able to dim/off/on/adjust fan via Alexa. I don’t currently have Nabu Casa subscription. What’s the best way for me to link it with Alexa where I will get the most features and not have to say something awkward like “Alexa, ask inovelli/smart things/etc to do something”. I do have an old smart things hub I could hook up if necessary.
It sounds as if you have the fan switch’s load as both the fan AND the light. Is that correct?
That may be because you only have a 2-wire between the switch box and the fan/light. But if that’s the case, unfortunately, the fan switch is not rated to control both; it is only rated to control a fan motor. The solution would be to use a canopy module which allows for independent control of the fan motor and the lights. You would bind the fan switch to the module giving the ability to control the fan motor and light separately.
Yes, I only have the one wire (well, plus neutral) running between them. Following instructions I ran both into Line on the switch.
I am using a canopy module.
I guess it’s the binding I’m having trouble with. It looks like I can get it working with scenes - then I just have the question about holding down to dim - but was wondering if I could do both. Have binding setup but scenes for the more advanced stuff.
When you have a fan with a light, that can’t be the load on either the fan switch or the 2-1 dimmer switch, because neither switch is rated to control a motor and light load.
In your case, you’re using the canopy module, so that’s good. It sounds as if the line starts in your switch box and then is supplied up to the fan via a 2-wire. If that’s the case, move the load conductor from the Load to the Line terminal’s 2nd hole. You don’t want the combined load going through the switch. Just remember that you can’t kill power to the canopy module via the switch; you will have to throw the breaker. If I misunderstood your wiring config, post back.
Plenty of people here have used binding wtih the canopy. Hopefully, someone with ZHA switch/canopy binding should be able to help out. You should start with how you have binding currently configured and repeat the issue.
How do you have your switch wired up? Is both the line and load wire plugged into the line connectors? This is needed so that the canopy module has constant power.
Also, make sure you set the switch up to be a smart switch, and not an on/off switch.
But the first link does state this:
Please use the below diagrams if you will be replacing your, “dumb” switch with an Inovelli smart switch. If you plan on using a smart switch, please go to the Dumb Switch + Canopy Module section. IMPORTANT: Please make sure to wire the Line and Load together at the switch. Do not use the Load terminal.
I assume there is a “don’t” missing, if that is correct then it seems that wiring together at Load is correct.
Where would I set that? I saw some instructions stating that I needed to set Smart Bulb Mode on but don’t really see any reason why - it doesn’t seem to make a difference.
The only setting I have changed aside from toggling that back and forth is to change from OnOff to Dimmer for Output mode.
Okay, I think I got the Zigbee binding portion sorted out. I must have been following the wrong guide, didn’t realize I needed a group for a single entity. Following this got it working (can’t post links, even links to Inovelli’s articles flag my posts as spam…): Setting Up Your Blue Series Fan/Light Canopy Module With an Inovelli Blue Series Switch • Home Assistant (ZHA)
So I guess my remaining questions are:
Can I still set a HA automation using something not in use via zigbee bindings? So 2 or 3 presses on up or down, for instance?
What’s the best way to get it to do stuff via Alexa? (without Nabu Casa)