Firmware v1.45 (Beta) | LZW31-SN | Dimmer - Red Series (Gen 2)

Alright folks I finally got all my dimmers and switches updated to 1.45 including both target0 and target1. It took forever for my ZWave sticks to arrive and then it took a little bit of dust and cobweb cleaning to get my Windows 10 VM going again. But I’m finally here and have some updates to report. I did post on the other thread the same information.

In all my testing I can report the following:

  • With a neutral present and the driver in Hubitat configured appropriately, smart bulbs and low wattage non-smart LED bulbs work perfectly without any issues. This is a notable improvement over previous tests. Right now I am up to a few hours of run time in this configuration without any issues at all.
  • Without a neutral the situation is worse for smart bulbs with 1.45. All I get this go around is a dimmer with its LED bar blinking red at a constant rate. I no longer see a rave mode from the light source and the dimmer appears to be very upset otherwise.
  • Without a neutral non-smart LED bulbs still exhibit instability in the same way as previous firmware versions. The “75% threshold” seems to still hold true where at 70% most loads are stable and dim without issue. At 75% or more, with loads approximately 50W or less, the dimmer will reset as though power was lost. I suspect that is what is happening as when the dimmer becomes functional again it will obey the “State After Power Restored” value as set on the device page. In addition (and this is particularly related to smart bulbs) if that “State After Power Restored” value is set to 75% or more the dimmer will go into a reset loop where every time it reboot itself and raises up to that value it restarts the reset loop again.

Hoping someone else either can confirm my results or tell me what I can do differently to overcome these issues?

Turning to the lockups issue — since updating to 1.45 I have not experienced a single lockup. The only lockup type experience I had I now can confirm was my fault in Rule Machine and not caused by any other issue. I’ll continue to zniff/test/report as it goes…