Generally speaking it's very difficult to find the latest firmware files

Would it be possible to have a single product index page, that we can bookmark, that just has folders of the released firmwares? in my experience finding the latest firmware is decidedly difficult. this forum is rife with broken links, posts for one version that have been deprecated in favor of newer versions that link to dead “knowledge base” articles that send you clicking in circles.

we just need an index page with version numbers nested inside model numbers.

maybe this exists but it’s extremely difficult to find?

They’re all on github

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I don’t see the zigbee canopy module for example

It’s in the zigbee folder - VZM36

I thought the “fan switch” was this product

while the canopy module is Blue Series Smart Fan/Light Canopy Module | Inovelli

do they have the same firmware?

The canopy module, fan switch, and 2-1 are all in that zigbee folder.

|Blue Fan Switch|VZM35-SN|

|Blue Fan/Light Canopy|VZM36|

|Blue 2-1 Dimmer|VZM31-SN|