Help with 5 way wiring with 7 light fixtures no neutral

Ok Inovelli will have to troubleshoot further.


Just so you’re aware, you cannot turn the lights off, either at the dimmer or at the Aux’s, with a long press on the down paddle. All that does is tell the dimmer to dim to its lowest setting. But the dimmer will remain on.

When you do that long press, the lights may dim down and turn off, but that is because the dimmer’s Min setting is lower than the threshold needed to illuminate the bulbs. So even though the bulbs turned of, the switch is still on. It’s just not putting out enough power to illuminate the bulbs.

The proper way to turn off the dimmer is a short press on the down paddle. Additionally, the dimmer’s Min setting should be set at a level above the point where the bulbs turn off. (This is how it works with the Red and Blue. I know access to some settings on the white is limited. I don’t have whites, so I can’t say if those settings are exposed.)

It should turn back on at the level the Inovelli was set to when it turned off. If that was 50%, then that would be correct.