Home Assistant and 2nd gen dimmer with S2 security --> discarding commands and status in HA wrong

hi there, I’m looking for some help since I’ve noted that the status in HA is not getting updated correctly when I’m using the physical switch. I don’t know if that’s an issue with the z-wave JS driver implementation of something that’s actually wrong with the dimmer firmware.

Below is a snippet from the logs and it clearly is unhappy about something with security. I know I can get rid of the issue by dropping back to S0, but that just feels wrong.

If you can rule this out being a problem in the FW, I’ll happily take this to the zwaveJS folks. The switches are on the latest release FW (1.57 & 1.45).

Thanks for your help/insights,

2023-08-09T05:58:04.490Z SERIAL « 0x01090004000c03260363bb                                            (11 bytes)
2023-08-09T05:58:04.498Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-08-09T05:58:04.504Z CNTRLR   [Node 012] command was received at a lower security level than expected - disc
                                  arding it...
2023-08-09T05:58:04.508Z DRIVER « [Node 012] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]                              [discarded]
                                      current value: 99
2023-08-09T05:58:04.601Z SERIAL « 0x010f0004000c096c0105055b031e800258                                (17 bytes)
2023-08-09T05:58:04.608Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-08-09T05:58:04.614Z CNTRLR   [Node 012] command was received at a lower security level than expected - disc
                                  arding it...
2023-08-09T05:58:04.619Z DRIVER « [Node 012] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]                              [discarded]
                                    │ session id:      5
                                    │ request updates: false
                                        sequence number: 30
                                        key attribute:   KeyPressed
                                        scene number:    2

Replying to myself, “solved” the problem by replacing the old Nortek z-wave/zigbee controller with a new Zooz ZST39 800 for z-wave and all is well. So not a switch problem, nor a zwave js problem - oh well…