I have a Red Series Switch/Dimmer (ZWave) in Home Assistant on a Zooz 800 Controller. There is a Nanoleaf Bulb configured via Matter(Thread) on Home Assistant on that switch circuit. I am using an old Conbee II as the Border Router.
The bulb works fine through home assistant, however even with the Smart Bulb mode on in the Switch parameters, the switch does not control the bulb. It does not work in dimmer or on/off mode.
I am wondering if this is not supported or if I am missing something?
Smart Bulb mode means that the switch continually applies power to the load so that the smart bulb can stay connected to its network. It does not provide control signals to the bulb. To do that, you have to write an automation in Home Assistant that detects changes in the switch and then controls the bulb.
Did you do that?
If you need help with that, I have a Home Assistant blueprint you could use. Here: Copy Light State to Multiple Controlled Devices · GitHub
If you are not familiar with installing and using Home Assistant blueprints, you should be able to find some online tutorials. Using this blueprint, you simply pick the Controlling Light (in this case, your Z-wave switch), and which devices you want to control (i.e., the Nanoleaf bulb).