[HOW-TO] Using the Z-Wave Association Tool in Hubitat

Possibly – @EricM_Inovelli – what do you think here?

Could you expand on this? I haven’t experimented (nor followed the Hubitat forums as closely as I should’ve) with this. Would be great to have a workaround!

Yes, definitely – this is something we’re trying to get for everyone. The problem is there seems to be limited space on the 500 Series chip and from what the engineers are telling us, the new SDK would require too much space as there are millions of colors (or at least that’s how I’m interpreting it). Here’s the thread for reference:

To be honest, this is always the pushback we get (limited space) – however, in doing some searching, it appears that all RGBW Z-Wave bulbs were only S0 (Aeotec, Hank, Zipato).

We’ll continue to follow up here as this is definitely important.

This would definitely be cool – @EricM_Inovelli – is this possible? My guess is probably not.

I wish – I love the guys over there and they’ve done an incredible job, but man, everything worked fine on my C5, but the C7 at my house with the ilumin bulbs just does not work well at all. Idk what happened as they work fine on SmartThings. Possibly the 700 Series SDK that they used. Honestly not sure.

You can still use them – it just will not be reliable in my experience. For example, I have 3 ilumin bulbs outdoors and I’d say 80% of the time they fail to turn on/off during scheduled times. I had to write multiple rules for them to work – even then, it works maybe 75% of the time. However, the association with my indoor switch works perfectly.

I have four indoor bulbs around my TV that when I press the config button (which should allow for all 4 bulbs to turn on to a random color) – 99% of the time all four do not turn on and it’s random. It’s really weird bc the color staging works, but the bulb will not turn on until I do it manually in the app.

But then I have two bulbs in my bedroom that use the same exact scene (ie: press config button and they both turn on) and that works 100% of the time.

So, idk what’s going on. Bobby from HE has been awesome to work with, but I think we just came to the conclusion that they just don’t play nice anymore, which kind of sucks bc that was the entire selling point of the bulbs and our switches (that they work seamlessly together).

Certainly! If you press the config button 8x, it will disable the switch (LED bar should flash Red) – note: this is for the on/off and dimmer switches – fan/light switch instructions below.

This should help you for disabling the switch for fan/light :slight_smile:

Looks like this should help you with associating the bulb to the fan/light switch. It was a good reminder for me to update the KB article!