I'm missing something with getting LED bar to dim

I have blue series dimmer (VZM31-SN) and fan (VZM31-SN) switches in our bedroom. I’d like to get the blue LED bar brightness (not the lights attached to the switch) adjusted as follows:

  1. Default led brightness of 1%, both on and off
  2. When changing brightness level at the switch by holding paddle down or up, LED indicates approximate brightness setting
  3. When releasing paddle, keep indication of brightness level as explained in #2 above, wait 10 seconds, then back to default brightness level

#1 above should be parameters 97 & 98 and I’m able to see differences in the brightness level when adjusting those.

However, after adjusting params 97 & 98, the LED brightness seems to be fixed now. When dimming the overhead lights by holding the paddle, the LED bar no longer indicates brightness level (contra #2 above).

It seems #2 and #3 would be controlled by param 17 - LED Indicator Timeout, but adjusting that param doesn’t seem to have any effect.

I’m using home assistant and Zigbee2MQTT to make parameter adjustments.

This seems like it should be straightforward given the parameters and what they are supposed to be doing. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

I set parameter 96 to 255 (white) when off so that I can differentiate between on state and off regardless of brightness.

If you wanted to make this work with a single color, you could setup a notification automation to the LEDs which represent your brightness level and set the others with effect 0 to turn them off but this would only work when your hub is up and so much more effort than just using two different colors IMHO.

Simple example turning off one LED for 10 seconds:

- data:
      - 0 # Lowest LED
      - 0 # Effect off
      - 170 # Color
      - 10 # Highest brightness
      - 10 # Duration in seconds
    cluster: 64561
    cmd: 3
    ieee: light.stairway_downstairs
  service: zha_toolkit.zcl_cmd

If you have an active notification, the switch will show the dimming bar when adjusting and then go back to the notification. It’s not 10s, more like 2-3s, but it does work and I think that’s mostly what you want. Send a periodic notification for a solid color and 1% level with infinite time so it’s always showing a notification.

I recall parameter 17 being rather odd. I believe it make the bar go to a full on instead of showing the level while dimming or switching and then the bar goes back to showing the dimmed level once timed out.