Lag / Slow Switch or Bulb? We Did A Speed Test - SmartThings vs Hubitat vs IQ Panel 2

@jody Again…thanks for being a part of the community. I have been absent for a bit…you know…life, but I’m gonna try and be back more. I found Inovelli when they were just white labeling some other mfg…even then they were as good if not better than Jasco switches and for a better price. I agree…I’m very impressed with Inovelli and @EricM_Inovelli and @anon14959390 and @Eric_Inovelli …they deserve to be the next big thing in smart home devices. They listen, are innovative, and try to give more rather give less.

My decision to leave ST is not just an Inovelli thing…I’m sure we could likely track it down. It’s that AND all the other things. While I appreciate the offers to help @jody I’m just tired you know. Again after 6 years…I really only want a problem when I introduce one (which is then on me). The random waking up where the day before everything was fine…and now things are broke, I just don’t want to troubleshoot that with ST anymore. If all the other brands end up sucking…I’ll likely be back because I started with ST and am comfortable with them. Right now, I need to test the waters elsewhere.

I hope we can continue to help people here, please know I have no animosity towards ST or you (if that wasn’t apparent haha).

Thanks again for all the conversation…I think it’s great for both communities to see.

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@jody what is the current best DTH for the ilumin bulbs? Starting from scratch and want to ensure I do it right this time.

Note that the RGBW Bulb ST handler does not allow level or color control with these…

Did you update the firmware to the 2.3 version for them?

Since updating the firmware on my LZW42 bulbs in ST I seem to have lost dimming control through an associated Red Series Dimmer neutral install no load with dummy switch carrying load always on. Only change was updating from V2.28 to 2.30. I also updated to the recent DTH through Github integration. Removed and replaced bulbs(3 in a fan combo powered via dummy switch always on), removed associations, replaced associations, tried multiple combinations of associations. A2+A4, tried A3, A3+A4 still resulting in no dimming response from app(new or classic), dimmer will respond to app controls and bulbs will react to physical dimming, interaction from switch and app interaction with bulbs. Has anybody else experienced this since updating firmware? Or is on the ST Beta that may be experiencing this behavior?