LZW30-SN Flooding Network with value updates for 37-0-targetValue and 37-0-currentValue with same values?

I was cleaning up my network and noticed some interesting frequent updates from two of my LZW30-SN nodes that are right next to each other and connected to ceiling fans (operating as on/off).

2022-12-11 14:16:47.684 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 25: value updated: 37-0-currentValue false => false
2022-12-11 14:16:47.685 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 25: value updated: 37-0-targetValue false => false
2022-12-11 14:16:47.868 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 25: value updated: 37-0-currentValue false => false
2022-12-11 14:16:47.952 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 24: value updated: 37-0-currentValue false => false
2022-12-11 14:16:47.955 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 24: value updated: 37-0-targetValue false => false
2022-12-11 14:16:48.183 INFO Z-WAVE: Node 24: value updated: 37-0-currentValue false => false

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here? And if I need to do anything in particular to stop this? I’m running Home Assistant and using Z-Wave JS UI, but haven’t figured why it keeps trying to “update” these values.

I believe that is a 700 series Zwave issue. Try updating the firmware on your USB stick and on the device.

Isn’t this model a 500 series device? Or are you thinking other 700 series devices on my network could be causing it?

I know my controller is 500 and fully updated as far as it can go.

There was a problem like that with 700 series USB sticks.

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