LZW31-SN Persistent Notifications

@Eric_Inovelli … Just tagging you.


I updated the DH right away when it was posted to GitHub - no change in behavior, the notification does not return after interacting with the switch (physical or through the HUB). In the SmartThings Clasic App, the notification still shows as “on,” but does not display that notification on the switch itself.

@EricM_Inovelli – can you take a look at this?

Seeing the same thing on Hubitat

@Eric_Inovelli @EricM_Inovelli Any update here?

@Eric_Inovelli Seeing the same thing. 3 different dimmers, same results. Tried original and updated version of the DH. If any interaction with the switch happens whether physical switch push or through smarthings, the notification goes away and shows the dimmer level. The smarthings app shows the notification as on, but it is not actually on. Also, it would be nice if the indicators would toggle back and forth if multiple scenarios are met. IE (if a door is open and indicator shows red, and then the garage door opens it should show cyan…I would like to see red for a period of time, then cyan, back to red etc.)
Loving the dimmers so far. I’d be happy to help in any way I can if you need more info.


@Eric_Inovelli @EricM_Inovelli Any update here?

Having the same issue. Have it turn to red when my garage door is open but that doesn’t help if I turn the switch on or off and then its just blue I will think my garage door is closed…

@Eric_Inovelli, @EricM_Inovelli Any updates? It’s been quiet from your end. I stink at Webcore and am struggling to get the notifications to come back reliably via a Webcore piston.

bookmarking as I am experiencing the same issue at the moment with my two dimmers. At first I thought my piston wasn’t working correctly but then I noticed that anytime I use the switch my notification disappears even when the conditions are still active and the notification is still stated as being on in smartthings app.

Bookmarking. Important feature I hope to see soon.

Hey guys, thanks for being patient with us. All of the workaround that have been suggested have been great and hopefully many of them can use them. As for the underlying reason for the notifications not being persistent, it is something that we are addressing in the firmware.


I’m seeing two different persistence problems being reported:

  1. Changing the light level resets the LED, which makes the notification disappear. I ran into this problem myself. I see this being 100% a firmware issue.

  2. If the switch got notification A and then notification B, and notification B is cancelled, then the switch returns to its default color, and notification A is lost. I’m a bit puzzled about how this would be a firmware issue… unless the firmware is going to be radically revamped. Let me explain…

I’m using Home Assistant to control my ZWave network. In HA when we access a ZWave device, we get the device directly as it exposes itself to the ZWave network. Looking at what the LZW31-SN exposes to the ZWave network, I don’t see any notion of “notification”. What we do get is parameter 16 which allows setting the LED to a different color, intensity, add an effect, etc. So looking just at what I see exposed to the ZWave network, I’m not seeing evidence that the firmware knows what a “notification” is.

From what I can tell, the people who have been reporting the 2nd issue use Hubitat or SmartThings. I’m not familiar with these platforms but I did take a look at the files Inovelli provides for these platforms and it seems to me that the notion of “notification” is an abstraction that is created in the Groovy files for those platforms. The code there converts the notification to an operation on parameter 16. Again, the switch has no notion of notification. Some logic in Hubitat or SmartThings would have to be implemented to keep track of active notifications.

Kind of, but this is separate from the parameters, these are inbuilt notifications in the preferences, and there are up to 5, each with 4 settings (type, color, persistence, etc.).

My expected behavior is that if Notification 1 is indefinite (garage door open) and the front door opens and I have a 10 second notification to Notification 2, then the Notification 2 would override Notification 1 for the 10 seconds, but then it would return to Notification 1 (assuming garage is still open). Right now the switch returns to “normal” operation (blue bar) while notifications are still active. That is what behavior is NOT expected.

Last example:
Notification 1 - Indefinite
Notification 2 - 30 seconds
Notification 3 - 10 seconds
Notification 4 - 5 seconds

If Notification 1 is already triggered, then Notification 2 is triggered, and while N2 is going N3 goes off, and while N3 is going N4 goes off, I would expect:

N4 for 5 seconds
N3 for remainder of 10s duration
N2 for remainder of 30s duration
N1 indefinitely until cleared and/or notification turned off.

Confusing perhaps, but I believe intended behavior.

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@EricM_Inovelli @Eric_Inovelli Any updates on this matter?


I am having this same problem as well in SmartThings. I use Webcore to turn my notification bar to green when my Smart Home Monitor is set to Disarmed and Red to when my Smart Home Monitor is Armed to Away. The problem is that when I interact with the switch, my notification bar color is wiped out and goes to blue (the default). In my case, I don’t even care for the color of the notification bar to change while I am turning on and turning off the light involved. I really just care for the notification bar to show the status of my alarm (green or red).

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Hey @mmarques – no, not yet. We are collecting bugs/enhancements and will hopefully have an updated firmware file soon to share.

We’re at CES this week where we’ll talk to the manufacturer about these issues and hopefully get some sort of ETA on when they’re team can help tweak the files for us.

I’ve added this to the LZW31-SN thread here and once we’re back, settled, organized and have trained the new CS reps, I can start providing better updates as I’ll have more time to be in the community.

Did this firmware come out yet? I am having the same issue with the persistent notifications where interacting with the switch clears it.

I suppose it wouldn’t be that bad, but for some reason on the LZW31-SN I cannot get parameter 13 to work to set the normal LED color either. I can set other parameters over zwave, but it won’t take setting parameter 13 to anything for me. Specifically I tried values of 1 and 80 (red and a green) using 1 byte as specified and no go. Stays blue.

I’m waiting for the firmware update before buying any more.

Which hub are you using?