Major Install Project Guidance: Inovelli Blue - Dimmers & Fans + 4-Way + Smart Bulb Mode + Other questions

Thanks, @tube!

Is there a limit to the number of routing / endpoint devices each Coordinator can manage?

I’m trying to figure out how many of these I should get.

The device can handle more but I have 135 devices one on network and 84 on the other. At one point I was having network instability but it was due to cheaper zigbee devices that were not working as good routers and this is why I have two networks (with two TubeZB coordinators) as a previous attempt to increase stability. Network now super stable after getting rid of the osram and eaton recessed lights I had (replacing those with hue). Good luck!

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The limit of the cc2652p is 200 devices and I believe the EFR32 is around 150

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9 posts were split to a new topic: Fan Switch Issues

Just added more stock.

@tube Any chance I can preorder 2x CC2652 P7 white / white?

The website says they’re out of stock.

Great! Thanks! Just placed my order.

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Good luck! Down the rabbit hole you go! :smile:

Does anyone if there’s a way to order switches not via the website? A person that can just make me an invoice?

Customer care wasn’t able to help.

I’m trying to get bulk discount pricing on all these switches but because of the colors / quantity, I’m not able to get the same level of discount per switch.

I just want to buy the number of switches I need at the bulk discount rate without ordering more than I need

36x Blue Mmwave → 24 White + 12 Brown
92x Blue 2-1 → 55 White + 37 Brown
22x Blue Fans → 17 White + 5 Brown

150 Total

If it can be done, @Courtney_Inovelli is the one!

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Help me, @Courtney_Inovelli. You’re my only hope! :slight_smile:

I am in the middle of a very large install. About 150 Inovelli 2-1 Blues/Fans/mmWave(waiting for these) along with about 150 Hue lights (recessed, mr16, outdoor, etc…) currently running a single Sonoff USB coordinator. Latest version with 7.3.2 EZSP 12 firmware. So far everything is a powered router and approaching the first 100 devices on a single network. Seeing how far I can push this before needing to split it.

I run all my Hue lights on Zigbee2MQTT and do not have a bridge. Binding groups in Z2M where it makes sense and it is so much easier to control. So far everything is next to instant fast.

Good luck and hope you love what you are building out.

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Yeah, I tried out ZHA, but switched to Z2M a couple hours later. It’s so much easier to do these more technical things in their UI / Labeling vs ZHA in Home Assistsnt

Frankly, I don’t understand the appeal of ZHA at all. I haven’t found a single thing that was not intuitive or easier to do it in it vs Z2M.

Hey Chanse,

I responded to your inquiry a few days ago:

In reading the forum post, I understand what you’re saying. I thought, based on the ticket you just were looking for a bulk discount. But it appears from the forum post, you’re asking if you can get the same normal discounts but you can’t bc the color paddle quantity is not the same as the normal discount.

In other words, you’re ordering 36 Blue mmWave, so you should get the 25 qty discount, but you can only get the discount on 10 since you are adding 10 Brown to the cart.

Is that correct?

If so, then the way around it would be to just order the normal quantity and then buy the paddles separate (on the website, the color options just have the price built into them).

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Thanks, @Eric_Inovelli! I put my order in last night. Can’t wait to get all of these installed!

I decided to hold off on all the mmWaves until they’re released I see some more real information on them.

Cool update…

I figured out how to bind my hue bulbs to Inovelli switches and still control the bulbs via the Hue app!!!

There’s a really cool opensource project called diyHUE.

It creates a fake Hue hub and makes devices that you put into it accessible and controllable via the Hue app.

Here’s a demo…!AjcUU9ZDJWosvd0UjlbUpERh7lKxJA?e=CYRywo

So basically the flow is…

  1. Inovelli Switch + Hue Bulbs bound together in a group in Zigbee2MQTT
  2. all devices from Zigbee2MQTT into Home Assistant
  3. Devices from Home Assistant into diyHUE
  4. Devices from diyHUE into Hue App (you can also go directly from Zigee2MQTT to diyHUE but by doing it this way, I can actually have Ziwave and WiFi bulbs also show in the Hue app.

I do have a bug I’m trying to figure out

But super exciting at the possibilities here!


Are you happy with TubeZB? I am using UZG-01 (3 of them: 1 with ZHA, one with Z2M with add-on in HAOS and one with separate Linux box) and they all have very low LQI with devices. I looked at TubeZB documentation and did not find multiple devices set-up. Can you please share how you did it?

Just out of curiosity - why do you need Inovelli switches (or any 3d party switches) to control Hue Bulbs?
Why not that:

“Need” is not the word I would use here. Lol.

I want a smart home, but I don’t want it to look like a smart home with a random different switches on the wall. Or a rule for people that they can’t use light switches because it turns off the smart bulbs

I want it to blend seamlessly.

While that switch would be fine with a single bulb in a lamp, that isn’t a good solution when every light in the home is a hue bulb and they’re all easily turned on / off at wall switches.

And I want every switch to look the same wether it’s a light, smart light, fan, outlet control, etc.

So using inovelli switches gives me:

  1. Looks like regular light switches
  2. Can have the same looking switch everywhere in the home, for anything
  3. Can be used in 3-way / 4-way setups
  4. Controls smart home lights easily from the switch, an app or voice assistant
  5. lets users still use the light switch without some weird light switch
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