Major Install Project Guidance: Inovelli Blue - Dimmers & Fans + 4-Way + Smart Bulb Mode + Other questions

Been running multiple instances on one machine for a while now. No issues at all. I’m actually doing it as HA addons, multiple versions. For a while I used 1 stable and 1 edge, but now I just run 2 stable.

Updates and maintenance are a breeze.

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That is really a game change for me.
So basically you installed Z2P add-on twice and assigned two different PIN ID?

Going off memory here, but I had to add the repo twice to the addon store. I think I did it by ending one of the github addresses with / and the other without. Now it shows up twice in the addon store. Install both. Set them to run on different ports (8485, 8486). Point the data_path in settings to 2 different folders. Then configure them with different pan_id, channel and network_key

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Highly recommend running an energy scan before setting up both networks to ensure you pick 2 channels with lowest rf noise.

15/20/25 are generally the best choices filled by 11 only if all of the above are overly noisy.

(ZHA in HA actually does the scan and picks the best looking channel when forming a network in at least the last few versions of HA)

I did not run the test (just read some recommendations), but this is what I have:
ZHA - channel 20
Z2M - as add-on in HAOS - 25
Z2M - in Linux box - 11

A quick update and an ask for help (I’m in Home Assistant hell)

The Update:

I almost have all the Blue Switches and Hue Bulbs installed.



I must say, these switches are incredible! An Inovelli Blue Switch in Smart Bulb Mode + a Hue Bulb + Binding is nothing short of amazing.

It’s empowered me to totally overhaul my lighting + switches in the home and create some really unique experiences because this combo basically means I can make any switch control any light combo I want.

Here’s a simple example…

I previously had 12 floodlights around our home / garage, these were split into 4 groups of lights and switches scattered all around the home.

  • Front Porch - 4x Lights - 1x Switch
  • Carport - 2x Lights - 1x Switches
  • Deck - 4x Lights - 2x Switches
  • Back Porch - 2x Lights - 1x Switch

I replaced some of the flood lights with Ring Floodlight Cameras and some with hue bulbs. Both Hue Bulbs and the Ring Floodlight Cameras require constant Power so the smart bulb mode works great for both.

Then I grouped them all and bound all the switches and bulbs into a single grouping “Flood Lights”

The final result…

  • 4x Ring Floodlight Cameras always on
  • 8x Floodlights in one grouping controllable from 5x switches around the house.

This wouldn’t be possible without the inovelli switches because turning off a regular smart switch means cutting the power to the light fixture (ring cameras or Philips hue bulbs) and the extra super amazing binding features means that while it’s supplying power to the Ring Camera, it’s actually controlling bulbs on the other side of the house.

Next step is to add the lights from the Ring Floodlight cameras into a group with the others and control all floodlights with the switches / separate from the camera functions.

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The Problem:

I’m in Home Assistant hell.

According to my 2x Zigbee2MQTT instances, I have

  • 101 devices downstairs
  • 10 groups downstairs
  • 96 devices upstairs
  • 13 groups upstairs

  • 220 devices total according to Zigbee2MQTT

But somehow between Z2M and MQTT these devices show up as

230 Devices in Home Assistant with almost SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ENTITIES

That is absolutely insane 16,778 entities.

In addition, MQTT is getting absolutely hammered.

Home Assistant has 16,768 topics with 74,053 in just the last few hours.

This is making the front end of Home Assistant totally unusable. If I even attempt to load the frontend it’s full of control entities and it makes Home Assistant totally unresponsive.

There’s no need for all of these random control entities to be visible in Home Assistant and there’s no reason that Zigbee2MQTT should be sending every parameter for every device for devices that aren’t being used.

Does anyone have any ideas how this can all be cleaned up into a usable format?

If it helps, here are my settings…

Zigbee2MQTT > Settings > Home Assistant Integration

Zigbee2MQTT > Settings > MQTT

Home Assistant > Settings > Device & services > Integrations > MQTT

You need to take over the dashboard and define the entities you want to see rather than the default where it shows you all of them. Here’s a tutorial: Edit the dashboard - Home Assistant

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Yeah, I know how to do that, but that’s not actually fixing the problem for users. It’s just ignoring it and working around it.

A single Inovelli Blue Switch creates 150 entities?! That’s nuts.

  1. Why are there 150 entites?
  2. Why are they all active and not hidden?
  3. Why is Zigbee2MQTT posting about all 150, every time it posts and update or reports? (So when only one thing changes, it posts about 150 things.)

@Eric_Inovelli are you guys aware of 150 entites being created PER switch?

This has been discussed before. If you want @zanix wrote a script to disable most of the entities. * Note I have not test it myself.

@stu1811, yeah, I’m aware of that and I’ve tested it as well. It helps, the only downside is that you have to run it once for each device individually… which for 120 device is… not fun.

But similar to what @rohan suggested, both of these are work arounds. They don’t actually fix the problems.

Here are the problems as i see them, and ive kisted them to build from logic of the previous one

  1. No matter what, there shouldn’t be 150 entities,
  • even if every single parameter on the Exposes tab under a device in Z2M counted as a separate entity that would only be about ~80
  • each device bringing in almost double that defies logic.
  • there are some paramerers that appear to have multiple entities for the same thing.
  1. Even if there really was a need for 150 separate controls, that doesnt mean they should all be sent to Home Assistant by default
  • this ultra fine granuale control level isn’t applicable to even the average home assistant user
  • making this an option that can be enabled for the 1% that wants would give a better experience fornthe 99% that wont use it.
  1. Even if all 150 have to be sent to home assistant by default, that doesnt mean they should all be on and activated in an un-hidden state by default
  • lots of devices have lots of entites, but the primaries are usually the only ones “active” and the otherd are normally defaulted to “hidden”
  • i had some Inovelli devices thaf seemed to default certain entites to hidden and others devices kept the same entity active

Most of Blue 2in1 entities should be “attributes” (IMHO)
I have my own dashboards, but it doesn’t solve the issue, as original “overview” dashboard is default ,which you need to change for every device.

Good luck to load > 20 Blue 2in1 dashboard on mobile device

I end up making all Blue dimmer entities (but one) hidden from the dashboard. A lot of manual work, so I am doing it every time I introduce a new dimmer

Yeah, they make Home Assistant mobile totally unresponsive.

It took a couple hours but I did the same as you and “hid” everything but the main ones.

But again, this shouldn’t happen as the default experience for users.