Hi, only the one with neutral required available on amazon.ca, any chance to get the one without neutral??? trying to order from Montreal QC, thanks
If you mean the on/off switch, it always requires a neutral. If you mean the dimmers, they should be showing up on Amazon Canada soon, I believe.
Yes, basically how it works with Amazon is that they require our switches to be in stock on Amazon USA first and then they can be opened up to Amazon Canada.
The switches were finally available to be created on Amazon Canada last week Friday, and we immediately created shipping labels for our manufacturer to send them over (as they couldn’t ship them without there being a listing available otherwise Amazon Canada would’ve rejected the shipment).
The dimmers should be shipping this week to Canada, so hopefully they’ll be available within a week or so!
thanks that’s great I’ll check all week to make sure i get some before it’s out of stock I’ve been waiting on a no new hub no neutral solution for my old house with smartthings system for a long time. Lutron needs it’s own hub and it’s crazy expansive. thanks, can’t wait to try it out
Quick question, i still haven’t gotten my pre-order dimmer here in Canada, are they all shipped (or in transit)? or are you still processing them.
Hey @Griimzer – they should’ve all shipped – let me take a look and see what happened. Sorry about that!
Edit: Just checked and they have arrived at the collection point for pick up on November 22nd at 6:36pm. I’ll PM you the tracking number for your records!
Hey Eric, any news on when the Dimmers will be available on Amazon.ca?
Yes, great question – we finally got the green light from Amazon Canada to open up our listing, so we’ve sent on the shipping labels to the manufacturer and they plan on sending them out tomorrow. My best guess would be that they’re available either late this week or early next week.
I plan on continuing to update this thread so you can stay up to date: UPDATE: Dimmer Switches Update Thread - Production Starts Oct. 4th!
Thanks for your continued patience!
Great, Thanks for the update!
Thanks! checking every day, still only on/off switch can’t wait for the dimmer (no neutral)
Still can’t find it on amazon.ca
Basically me trying to find them as well.
Kidding, there was a flight delay and they just arrived yesterday in Toronto. The shipping company has a delivery appointment with Amazon for Thursday. I’ve seen them (Amazon) able to check things in quickly (ie: same day) and I’ve also seen it take up to 2-3 days. My guess is the latter this time due to the Holiday Season.
But good news is it will be at Amazon’s facilities on Thursday
Nice thanks so much!
@phardy – A Christmas Miracle! The switches are now live on Amazon.ca
Black Series: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07RYMSH6Q
Red Series: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07S1BMMGH
Wonderfull, order’s in!
Thanks for the support, we really appreciate it!
I thought I just bought 10 of them… but they were the on/off red series… just arrived to day from Amazon.ca… now I “have” to buy 6 of the dimmers. There goes my budget for the year… good thing the year is almost over Thanks Eric! Good thing airmileshops.ca is still doing 20X airmails for amazon.
Hi, I don’t see the link anymore for the switches, only for the dimmer. Is there any plan to have them back soon on amazon.ca ?
Following for the switches i got 4 red series
now i need more they are out of stock
and i already got like 10 dimmers red series
Great product i like them.
Will amazon.ca be getting more switches. I only see dimmers right now.