Power outage appears to have bricked all my red dimmers

I would expect that to work, but not certain.

Okay I did that, and I am completely certain it factory reset and went green, yellow, red.

However, it will still not exclude or include. I am getting the pulsing blue on the dimmer, but it won’t include or exclude.

How far away is the hub?

About 5-10 feet free air line of sight.

After a power cycle, leave it on for 10-15 mins. I know it sounds strange, but I had a few that wouldn’t join after initial power cycle. After leaving it on for a few minutes, I was able to include it with no issues.

Also, maybe cycle the hub?

I will do that. I will try again in 20 minutes. I also power cycled the hub a couple of times already unfortunately.

Hopefully you’ll get the switches back. I was asking because power surges are notorious for killing smart devices. In the past, I have lost both GE switches and garage door opener boards after a power failure. In my cases, it was from the surge when power was restored.

A surge could also come from a generator starting up. In the US in a very recent code update, the installation of surge suppression is now required with service replacements and upgrades. Unfortunately, if your generator was installed a while ago under older code, that requirement would not have been there and so you may not have one.

They are usually in your breaker panel as a small device that probably contains a LED indicator across two slots, but they can also be attached to outside of the box.

I personally believe they are a good thing to have. Although you can’t say for sure, there is a pretty good chance the issues you’re having are related to the power failure and resulting surge. So if you don’t have one now, it’s something to consider for the future. I still wouldn’t do away with individual surge protectors on critical components, but they are a good first layer of protection.


Yeah, it is certainly something I can look into for the future if I don’t have one. My house was built in the last 20 years, and the generator was installed about 10 years ago I believe. I am not sure how new the code is you are referring to.

I am a bit put off that these switches would be so susceptible to surges though if it is ultimately the case that they are all dead.

I waited about 45 minutes, and none of the dimmers will reinclude.

Dang. I’m really surprised 4/4 seemed to not include. I had almost 30 dimmers/switches for over two years and lost power from storms/multiple brownouts without losing a device; however, I did have an Eaton Surge protector on the panel.

Did you try a general exclusion?

I’m not familiar with this, can you elaborate? I tried to exclude the normal way (i.e. going into exclusion mode on the hub and on the switch). Both the hub and switch timeout with no changes.

Yeah, it’s definitely unfortunate.

I did just confirm with the installer that my generator is supposedly connected through a surge protector. However I am having them come next week to make sure. I don’t see anything on the panel which would indicate a surge protector is installed.

You reset the switch, but did you force remove the old node from the hub so the dead node isn’t there anymore?

I assume it’s zwaveJS you’re using.

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ZwaveJS2MQTT specifically, yes.

And I did remove the failed nodes, yes. Afaik though, an exclusion should always work even if the device isn’t on your network.

From zwavejs2mqtt go to Actions->Manage Node->Exclusion. A 30 sec countdown should start. Then press the config button 3x on the dimmer.

Yes, that is what I have been doing. Both the switch and the hub timeout with no changes.

Strange. It should exclude even if it’s not included. Does the led strip flash any colors when you press the config 3x?

Edit: Try pressing the config 8x. Maybe local control is disabled? If it flashes red local control is now disabled. Green means it is now enabled.

It pulses blue. But yes I believe the issue is that is simply isn’t communicating with the hub correctly.

Okay I will try that when I get home. That’s an interesting thought. I would think the factory reset should have taken care of that though.