Red series dimmer update

Can someone point me in the direction of how to do a update in Hubitat for the red series?

Do you have the Z wave usb or you trying @bcopeland update?

not sure, other doing the HUB update i hav never had to do a device update.

@repoman78 - Unless you have the usb z wave stick, you’ll need to use @bcopeland tool. Let me find to link it here.

See [RELEASE] Hubitat Z-Wave Firmware Updater

It should get you started.

ok, so i go to device page and Z-Wave Firmware Updater does not show up in the list.

I think you have to add his driver to your Hubitat first before you see it listed under devices.

got it!! sorry for being a pain butt where do I find this next step?

  1. Type in the URL for the firmware update file in the Update Firmware command and then click Update Firmware

Look for your device here: Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli

Once you find the correct device, click on the link. You may have one or two files to flash depending on series of devices.

Find the links for the firmware about middle of page. Right click on firmware link address and select copy link address. That should be the url needed for target firmware c

got it says downloading firmware

Just a note that you need a USB Z-Wave stick in order to fully update the dimmer (LZW31/LZW31-SN), since there are two firmware “targets” (OTZ and BIN files, targets 0 and 1, respectively, in the Z-Wave PC Controller software instructions); the (amazing) Hubitat community tool can only update the first. This is the bulk of the firmware update and I’m not sure that even Inovelli has received clarification from the engineers on how exactly the two parts of the update interact (everything I noticed had been fixed with just the OTZ — it took me a while to update the BIN portion on some, and I’ve seen a ton of people on the Hubitat forums just doing the OTZ portion without issue), but I thought I should mention it.

You don’t have to use the USB stick on your Hubitat hub, though it’s very easy if you do. If you don’t, you can un-pair the dimmer from Hubitat, pair it to the stick, then pair it back to Hubitat after the update — a bit of a pain because you’ll have to re-do all of your automations. A second option is to pair the stick as a secondary controller to Hubitat and then update the firmware using that plus the PC software — a bit easier but does require you to manage to add the stick as a secondary controller (usually pretty easy: NWI and then learn mode from the PC software while Hubitat is in pairing mode) and hope that the update still works when the stick is a secondary (has for me on all but one and I’m not sure why it didn’t there).

But again, lots of people seem to be doing what you have probably finished doing by now (hope it went through!) without problems — just wanted to point it out in case Inovelli does get clarification on where this may matter or if you yourself notice problems.

For anyone who happens to see my old post above (which I just saw linked to from another thread), I suppose I should update it to say: as of a recent firmware beta — and so presumably what will also be the final recommendation once it’s released — Inovelli recommends updating both targets, i.e., using both the .OTZ and .BIN files (the latter of which is currently not possible from Hubitat alone, but is easy-ish to do with Z-Wave stick and a PC, whether you exclude, pair, and re-pair to Hubitat; just join the stick as a secondary controller; or happen to have a model before the C-5 where you needed a stick since the hub didn’t have internal radios back then … any way you do it, you just need a stick).

What Z wave USB stick do you recommend?

@CrisD - I’d recommend

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If this is the only thing you’re doing it for, I’d probably base my decision on price. The one above definitely looks good in that regard. Others I’ve tried (actually never used the above) include the HomeSeer Z-Wave stick, the Zooz ZST10, the Aeon Multi 5, and a Nortek HUSBZB-1. Depending on when and where you buy, one of those might be on sale, otherwise pretty much any stick marketed for use in creating a DIY, PC-based Z-Wave controller should work.

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