Red Series VZW31 Switch - LED Stuck in Green/Teal Pattern, Unresponsive

Hello All;

I’m new to Inovelli switches and using them to replace some dying Wemos. I recently installed a new VZW31 Red Series switch (700-series Z-Wave). The switch is exhibiting the following issues:

  • LED is stuck in a pattern of multiple green flashes followed by teal, then repeating
  • Switch won’t respond to physical button presses
  • Initially connected to Z-Wave (using ZST10 Zooz stick with Home Assistant) and worked for one flip of switch, then stopped responding. Finally able to remove from Z-Wave, but it didn’t reset the switch.
  • Now completely unresponsive and won’t connect to Z-Wave and stuck in light flashing sequence above.
  • Standard reset procedures (config button combinations) not working
  • Power cycling via breaker or air gap hasn’t resolved the issue
  • A second VZW31 installed at the same time is working perfectly

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.