Red Switch Intermittently Registering as Dead

Hello. I installed new Red switches a couple of weeks ago and I’m loving them. They look so fancy and has a ton of features. Love the smart bulb mode.

One of my switches though intermittently appears as dead on my Home Assistant Z-wave JS UI. When I press the switch and turn the light on, it becomes “alive” again.

This switch is not the farthest from my hub. I have 2 other switches that are farther and they have not been acting up.

This switch is connected to the Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range USB Stick ZST39 LR using the latest firmware.

Is there anything I can do to make it not “die” intermittently? Do you think I got a bad switch?

Have you done a heal or I think it’s now called rebuild routes on the network. If your network is healthy then it should work for all devices without getting failures. After adding a bunch of devices, I had to do it for some individually first before it’s begin to work for the whole network. Things seemed to work better after doing it.

I actually did a heal the day before it “died”.

Did all devices get a green check mark?

Yup. All powered devices got the check mark. The battery operated ones where sleeping and I had to wake them up.

I’ve had the same problem with my ZST39 LR but not with Red Switches. I’ve had issues with some door locks, which are closeby to the stick (no-hops).

There’s an issue with the Silicon Labs Chips in 700 and 800 and the SDK/firmware that I think may be the cause of my issues.

Maybe, no proof of this, but maybe this is the issue you’re facing.

I can see in my logs times when my Zooz 800 series stick just hangs: