bytes by definition cannot go above 255. So byte1 is wrong. If you want 2700, according to the docs the equation is:
byte1 = (color_value - 2700) / (6500 - 2700) * 255
byte4 is 128 (for color_temp) + your effect.
running this through, I get a value of
which doesn’t even work because it’s beyond the highest allowable value.
EDIT: after further investigation, just using color temp instead of the color wheel is equal to the max that that field allows according to the docs. The max should be 4294967295.
EDIT 2: The docs are misleading. Off is not the first bit, the first bit is 0 = off 1 = solid. With that being said… The correct value for your inputs would be:
which I confirmed works.
Just made a guide for the Quick Strip Effect