Scene Control from add-ons in 3-way on red series

After about a month, I’m guessing the investigation determined that your talented engineers simply weren’t able to duplicate the functionality which Jasco and Homeseer’s engineers produced.

Yes Mike.

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To think one could spend ~$15 more, get a second red dimmer, and alleviate this entire issue but chooses to complain AGRESSIVELY instead.

Eric and team don’t want your business, I can assure you.


If being in the Customer Support industry for over 6 years has taught me anything, it’s how much I want to help someone who opens up threads/tickets with this kind of tone. Extra mile is rarely taken and they’re automatically placed at the bottom of the queue. Might want to keep that in mind for the future if you run into problems with another companies product.

It’s amazing what can be accomplished with a civil, intelligent and productive conversation. For some reason. :slight_smile:


A GE aux switch can be purchase for $10 on Amazon, shipped. Please tell me where I can get this $25, shipped, “red dimmer” you’re talking about.

The same place you can get an AUX for $10? Aux is $20 on amazon


The bickering doesn’t do anything useful.

There was a valid point being made regardless of how it was being made - other manufacturers can do scenes from an aux switch so if this Red switch is supposed to be the best product in that market space then it should have been able to do that too, or it should have been made clear that it can’t do it.

There’s no sense in arguing with Mike. Mike, I thought you’d be a man of your word and, “avoid Inovelli in the future and not make this mistake again”.

If you would like to return his switches that, “do cool blinky stuff” you’re more than welcome to open up a ticket with us. I’m definitely happy to take your return and you can work with HomeSeer, GE or whomever to add the following features:

  • Animated Notifications aka: pretty, blinky lights
  • Favorite’s Button to configure from the switch itself
  • Configuration of delay between multi-taps or ability to remove the delay for multi-taps
  • Smart Bulb mode
  • Ability to work with a dumb switch
  • Non-Neutral support
  • Power Monitoring

I’d list more, but the rest has already been copied and replicated by other companies. And while I realize not all of these apply to everyone, individual features do apply to everyone.

The interesting thing actually about this thread is that when our switches were released, GE didn’t even have the ability to multi-tap from the aux switch. This feature was ripped off from HomeSeer later.

We’ve made it clear that this is not an option on this device and despite the insults and claiming the explanation is, “inappropriate and he’ll avoid Inovelli in the future”, he continues to want to harp on the topic like it’s magically going to change the product.

As much as I’d love to continue to innovate on the Red Series 500 Series, as I mentioned, it’s not possible and will not be possible based on the current design.

What fascinating to me is that despite our, “talentless engineers”, we managed to win best smart switch in the category and are days away from being best overall smart product in the industry per Hubitat (which, I’m sure Mike has some issues with or will find a problem to harp on as a technicality):

Source: Most Popular Switches and Dimmers elevated by Hubitat in 2021 - Year In Review 2021 - Hubitat

Source: Product of the Year Elevated by Hubitat in 2021 - Year In Review 2021 - Hubitat

Double the price? Literally the only company that we’re double the price of is Zooz when they’re on sale.

The net of this conversation is this – multi-tap at the smart switch for the 500 Series Red Series will not happen. If you’d like to return your switch, I will make an exception. Please reach out to our ticketing system and we will look for your ticket. If you felt mislead in any sort of way, I really do apologize.

@PJF – I agree with your comment in that we should support this feature – the part I do not agree with is the lack of acceptance of our response and then demeaning our engineers. As mentioned, this was not even a thing when the product was launched for any company so the hardware was not built to detect this. As you know, the Blue Series will add this feature now that we know it’s something that can be done and we can build our switch to accommodate this feature. But, the Red Series 500 Series will not ever have this feature. I will update the page to reflect this.


I’ve never made $1200/hour, so am willing to spend 30 seconds to actually search:

You found a $20 one - so, even with that, where’s the $35 red dimmer, shipped?

No one buys Brown colored switches anymore. There’s a reason why they’re marked down. White colored ones still $19.

$26.88, shipped:

I paid $27.99 for ones with black paddles, which they’re currently out of stock on.

Red was $42 + $5 for a black paddle +$8 shipping = $55. Within $1 of double.

@MikeS are you really sitting here starting an argument over the price of an aux switch on Amazon? Common man, you must have something better to do with your time than try to pick fights over stupid things on the internet. At least argue over something more valid like who’s dad can beat up who on the playground.


I’ll not stoop lower.

Always good to point-out errata and ask Eric and the gang to resolve them if-possible. However, IMO Inovelli has an overall superior product and competitive price vs the other guys. The feature-set of these red dimmers and the diverse wiring options (no neutral options!) are a game-changer for me. Yeah, I’ve had a few issues with my Inovelli red dimmers – but shortly after they launched and most of the issues are now resolved. …and have found the Inovelli support team to be consistently responsive.

I disagree with Mike’s color commentary about Inovelli – however, he raises some legitimate complaints about some items that weren’t documented and/or don’t function correctly. Sounds like Inovelli is doing their best to respond and I hope/expect will incorporate feedback into future products as well.

I’d rather purchase my products from an innovative, “local” business who are personally invested and engaged in the biz vs the bigger guys. Keep up the good work and listen to your customers – I intend to recommend and buy more Inovelli products :slight_smile:

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