Switch stopped working & can't factory reset

My son today complained that he couldn’t turn off the lights.

Turns out, the switch stopped working for the Zigbee binding I had enabled, but was still able to work with automations set up in Home Assistant (2x up, config button). It also was able to change settings through ZHA in Home Assistant, i.e. LED color.

After trying to reconfigure the Zigbee binding and having that not work, I decided to try to factory reset it. Holding the config and paddle up for 20 seconds doesn’t do anything. I also tried after cutting power via the circuit breaker, but still no luck. I also tried pulling the air gap, but no change.

Any other tips to factory reset?

Make sure you’re releasing in the correct order.

Sorry, by doesn’t do anything, I mean it doesn’t change colors or flash red.

Since you were using binding, do you have local control disabled? You may need to re-enable it. Can’t remember if this applies to the Blue 2-1, but it’s worth checking.

Yup, that was it.

My finger may have accidentally tapped that on the Home Assistant screen. Or is this the setting that you enabled with 8x config presses. If so, that was probably done by the kids.

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