Trouble with multiple blue switches controlling dumb bulbs

Most of the lights I have are smart bulbs, and I’m using smart bulb mode. However, I have three sets of switches controlling lights that are not in smart bulb mode. Whenever I have two blue 2-1s controlling the dumb bulbs, I have issues with the non-main switch.


  1. light is on. both switches have LEDs on indicating the power is on
  2. press the down toggle on the blue 2-1 switch that doesn’t control the load
  3. LED for that switch goes off, but light doesnt go off and the other switch doesnt go off
    Expected result: light and other switch turns off
    Interestingly, if I then press the up toggle and then the down toggle again, it works – the light turns off and both switches report being off

Turning on or off the light at the load-controlling switch always works. My setup is to set both of the blue 2-1 switches to be zigbee bound to each other via ZHA.

This happens inconsistently, but frequently, with all 3 of my sets of blue 2-1s that control dumb switches.

I’m not sure how to troubleshoot the issue further.

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