Trouble with setting minimum brightness on the LZW31


I currently have 4 LZW31 which I have set up on various bulbs, in various configuration 2-way/3-way, neutral, non-neutral, spotlights and regular lights. All of the bulbs are working, but they all emit no light somewhere between 30% and 41%. For the sake of this, I would like to set the minimum brightness to those corresponding values. I have tried it at the switch, using parameter 5 at 2 clicks of the config, then clicking up 30 times. Nothing changes.

I have gone into the xml in Home Assistant and found that the new switches all have an empty command class section.:

The older version of the switch had this:

Each step of the dimming process will increase or decrease the brightness by this percentage. Increasing this will make the transition time slower. 0 is instant.

This is the minimum value to which the switch will dim. Useful for CFL or LED lights that otherwise won’t come on or come on but flicker/buzz.


I tried pasting that over and resetting Z-wave. No go there either. I’m wondering if anyone’s had any luck with this?

Thanks in advance…

Figured it out. The indexes from the prior config didnt match. After a quick update to the indexes, my new config now looks like:

<CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Dimming/Brightening Step Level" units="%" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="99" value="3">
					<Help>Each step of the dimming process will increase or decrease the brightness by this percentage. Increasing this will make the transition time slower. 0 is instant.</Help>
				<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="Minimum Dimming Level" units="%" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="1" max="99" value="30">
					<Help>This is the minimum value to which the switch will dim. Useful for CFL or LED lights that otherwise won&apos;t come on or come on but flicker/buzz.</Help>

I’ll have to update the rest of the parameters manually, but its working now!

Hmm – Looks like index 2 is the one controlling the dimming speed at the switch, rather than index 1.

I just noticed that last night too. In OpenZwave, Index 1 is listed as Dimming Speed, and Index 2 is listed as Dimming Speed (From Switch). This is backwards from the parameters listed in the instructions manual.

I set Parameter 1 to 0, and Parameter 2 to 3. This made it so changes in brightness via zwave are instantaneous, and changes in brightness from the switch itself are not. I think the instruction manual has it backwards.