So far I’ve got 11 of the current 12 switches installed and connected but the last one is proving problematic.
It’s the only switch in a 3 way setup (with a dumb switch). It’ll light up and control the actual light correctly but whenever I try and add it to home assistant it goes through all of the steps except adding it to the matter controller.
If I start by scanning the QR code with my camera I’ll connect to the switch, generate thread credentials, check network connectivity and then show that the device is connected. But after pressing “done” the screen just goes away. Going into home assistant from here shows no new devices. Same goes for the matter controller addon.
If I instead launch home assistant on my phone, go to my list of matter devices and choose to add it from there I’ll go through all the same steps above and then show a “adding to home assistant screen…” After when it takes me to the device page but there’s no configuration options. At least with this option a new node does get added to the matter controller addon.
The switch is also the only switch I have in a multi-gang box with another Inovelli White switch. The switch directly next to it works just fine.