Unable to upgrade firmware on VZW31-SN on Hubitat C-8


I have a VZW31-SN and a Hubitat C-8 hub on latest firmware ( Using the Inovelli supplied 2-1 Red driver from github.

Switch came with 1.0 production firmware installed but I’d like a couple features in the 1.02 firmware.

Using the built-in Hubitat firmware updater, every time I try to update the switch, the transfer counts up to 100% over a couple minutes and then I get the “Device Firmware Updater: ERROR: The transferred image does not match the Firmware Target”.

I have tried with the 1.0, 1.01 and 1.02 firmware versions, all downloaded (as RAW) from guthub. MD5 for the 1.0 matches the MD5 listed on files.inovelli.com. The 1.01 and 1.02 files are not present there to compare MD5’s.

Every version gives the same error once the transfer completes.

Is it paired S2 or no security?

Are your devices paired with security? If so, use this workaround (an alternative community driver rather than the built-in app or “original” driver):

(EDIT: Hey, that poster looks familiar :smiley: )

Even if the Red isn’t paired S2, try the steps above that Robert linked to.

I originally wrote those steps to get around the fact that the Hubitat built-in updater doesn’t work for S2 devices, but it works just as well for no-security devices too. I now just use those steps for all my ZW updates.


Yes, I have it included with S2 Security.

Thank you both very much, the linked process got it upgraded!

I searched high and low for an answer, but here and on Hubitat’s community. But I think I was focussed more on it being an issue on the switch side that I never found the link above.

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I have tried using this workaround to update my VZW31-SN switches, which are are with S2, and the process never gets passed “Downloading firmware…”. When I watch the device logs I see this response: “firmwareUpgradable:false” so I am assuming the process will not complete as the Z-Wave Firmware Updater thinks the 1.0 firmware is not upgradable? Am I missing something here? I think the VZW31-SN are LR devices, has there been any progress in a solution to update firmware on these LR devices via Hubitat?

Are they included as LR or traditional/mesh nodes? Check Settings > Z-Wave Details to tell for sure if you don’t know. I don’t believe updating the firmware on LR nodes is possible on Hubitat at the moment. (You could swap in a virtual device temporarily using Swap Apps Device, exclude, include as a mesh node, update, then reverse the process.)

Where on the Settings > Z-Wave Details page will it show if a Z-Wave device is included as LR vs. mesh? I reviewed all the devices and device graph and topology and don’t see an indication for either inclusion method.

Regarding the Swap Apps Device, would I have to create a virtual dimmer (if I am swapping a VZW31-SN dimmer) and then after the device is created as a virtual dimmer, go into the new virtual dimmer and change the Type to VZW31-SN and then copy existing dimmer’s parameters to the virtual switch (as I understand the Swap Apps Device is expecting 2 of the same types of devices with the same parameters) and the do the swap. After that I could exclude the dimmer, include (either as mesh or not as S2), update firmware, then (if re-included as not S2, exclude, include as S2) reverse the swap process. It’s clearly not ideal but I would deal with it to actual be able to update my switches’/dimmer’s firmware. Am I correct in my thought process here?

Hopefully there will be a better solution to updating Z-Wave LR/S2 devices via the Hubitat in the future.

From How to Use Z-Wave LR on Hubitat Elevation | Hubitat Documentation

Any [node ID] greater than or equal to 0x0100 (or 256) is an LR node. Any node less than 0x00FF (or 255, though 0x00E8 or 232 is the highest you are likely to see assigned) is a traditional node. LR nodes are also annotated with “LR” in the node ID column.

EDIT – nuts, I just noticed that your earlier posts indicate the update option I mention below didn’t work for you, so ignore the 1st paragraph. I could swear I remember a different user saying it worked on their Red, but who knows. If yours is paired LR, that would explain it though.

If it’s paired mesh (with either S2 or “None” for security), the update should be possible using these steps. These steps were originally designed for devices paired S2, but they should work equally well for devices paired S0 or “None”.

If it’s paired LR, then no update possible (yet), so downgrading to mesh for the update is the only option.

For Swap Apps Device, just create a virtual dimmer and do the swap… Do not mess with the virtual dimmer’s Device Type or anything addtional like that. Swap Apps Device just literally swaps devices (virtual or real) – it simply inserts the swapped device in all the places the original device was.

In this case, the virtual device is obviously not a Red 2-1 (nor is it possible to “make” it one via some kind of modification), so the virtual device is just serving as a placeholder until you can get the Red back online. The affected rules etc aren’t going to work properly with the virtual device, but when you get the Red back online, just swap once again, remove the virtual device, and bob’s your uncle.

Thank you. I just checked and all of my Z-Wave node IDs are between 7 (0x0007) and 67 (0x0043) so they should be traditional nodes, not LR.

Thank you Hydro311. I did try that last night. I just reattempted the steps in the link you provided. The device firmware update gets stuck in “Downloading firmware…” and I get this error in device logs: “javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message on line 471 (method firmwareStore)”

When I use the Inovelli URL for the firmware updater it also gets stuck at the “Downloading firmware” status and the logs show only INFO: “byte buffer size: 0” and it hangs there until I abort it. I let is sit and run for a long time and same results.

Any thoughts on what might be causing the errors/behavior I mentioned? Anyone else come across this?

I figured if I stored the new fw file in the Hubitat File Manager the Z-wave Firmware Upgrader should be able to retrieve it and proceed with the firmware update given my VZW31-SNs are S@ but not LR.

I do have a VPN enabled on my laptop and I tried completely turning it off and reattempting the firmware upgrade just in case it was somehow getting the way but I still get the same results.