UPDATE: Dimmer Switches Update Thread - Production Starts Oct. 4th!

Just curious, does this apply if local control is disabled, too? I was under the impression that these could be used for smart bulbs (so effectively “non-dimmable” in this context) and the dimmer used as just a scene controller in that case (where you could, of course, also use a switch with no question about its suitability, but I really like the larger LED on the dimmers).

I’m assuming you’re only talking about a scenario where “regular” control is enabled on the switch given the context (and current/previous marketing), but I just wanted to check. :slight_smile:

@Eric_Inovelli I do have only 2 three way in my house and those switch were replaced with homeseer dimmer and aux switch. Never realized they were the only one that the aux switch supported scene. This is really useful for me so this should definitely go on your to do list.

Great point! No, this does not apply if local control is disabled :slight_smile:

Yes, definitely and thanks for clarifying!

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@Eric_Inovelli I have never received a response to my pm from you.

@Eric_Inovelli do you know when the dimmers will be available on Amazon.ca?


As much as I’m looking forward to the dimmers being available on amazon.ca, I’ll be upset if they arrive there before my pre-order arrives! I haven’t received shipping information yet, so I assume they’re a little ways out yet.

@driedger GREAT NEWS! It looks like your dimmers were delivered at 11:10am this morning. I’ll shoot you your tracking number for confirmation in a DM. :slight_smile:

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HAH! Thats amazing, thanks for the update! I was starting to get a little bummed out waiting, that just made my day!

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That’s great that you got your pre-order dimmers. Interesting how they can’t be sold to Canada due to certification but pre-orders can still come across the border… :thinking:

@LongDono Dimmers and On / Off are certified. The RGBW bulbs have not been certified in Canada.

@harjms Ahh, gotcha. I assume they didn’t want to enable Canada shipping and have to cancel orders if anyone ordered an RGB bulb as the website still won’t let you ship to Canada even if you want to place an order without bulbs.

Received mine a week or so ago and now I see why it took so long.

I’m replacing an old c600 that never really worked well after I upgraded my VeraLite to a VeraPlus.

I installed it to control a 16 bulb chandelier with LEDs without a neutral.
I had to replace one bulb with 40 watt incandescent to stop it from flickering.
As a standalone switch it works fine.
Dims as expected.

Adding to a VeraPlus was easy as a generic device.

However, it sporadically drops in and out saying “device not responding”, which wouldn’t be to big a problem if I didn’t get notified every time it did it. Though it is controllable even when it says “device not responding”. Any command will wake it up.

It also says “Purging associations” on the Vera interface.
I’ve bought several previous version inovelli dimmers and switches and they continue to work as expected.

Last thoughts:
The only thing most of us were looking for was a dimmer that worked without a neutral.

Edit: it looks like I was looking more for the black series and not the red.

Yes. :slight_smile: I’d say Inovelli built the Reds to fulfill high-end user requests, while offering a Black line that is more cost effective. I like that they split the on/off and dimmers into two versions of each so that there is a choice of what works best. Personally, I want the notifications and scenes, I just haven’t decided if that will be every switch or just some of them. It would be really handy to have a double-tap on that was always full brightness, for example…

I hope your connection issues are figured out/resolved. While it is great that we can expect a firmware update, doing so is a hassle, especially for anyone with a lot of switches.

I have installed 12 of the on / off switches with 5 more on order via amazon.ca.
Would love to add 6 Black Series Dimmer Switches to the setup as soon as I can so I can ‘lights out’ the whole house when my son goes to bed leaving random things on.

Do you offer coupons for loyal customers such as me to sweeten the deal slightly?
I missed the Black Friday offer - would have loved to take advantage of that but was too late.

Thanks, and I appreciate the great work and attention to detail you put into these devices.

Martin Francis

You did not miss it; a sale for Canada is being worked on. The promo involves free Z-wave RGB bulbs, for which the manufacturer is working on certification for Canada (and Inovelli’s webstore needs to be updated to support collecting taxes/shipping to Canada).


I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this but, here goes. I installed a red series dimmer on my recessed led lights. It is a single pole installation with a neutral wire. I have a loud buzzing from the led lights. I did some research on this and it seems that the only way to stop the buzzing is to use an ELV (electronic low voltage) dimmer switch. Are the red series dimmers supposed to be ELV dimmers? Or is there some other reason I get this buzzing sound from the lights?

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@Eric_Inovelli just curious if there’s an ETA for the dimmers to be available on amazon.ca?

I think as time goes on, with all the alexas , google home, and other devices like I’ve built, the need for scene controllers will drop.

Right now I can say “Hey Betty” “turn the front lights off” or “on” and never touch a button using the interface to my VeraPlus and a Raspberry-PI. This is true for any switch in the house, singularly or in groups like all outside lights on/off

You can do the same thing with Home Assistant and 2 PIs.
I think the project is call Janice (after The Good Place TV show character).

And as for black Friday deals, what about just the black switches and dimmers?
As stated before, I have no need for red series switches.

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Well…where scenes come in handy is getting a group of lights or other devices to all do something with a single command.

Scene implementation is a big part of ST, and according to Paulus, Home Assistant is going to be focusing more attention to it, as well. Voice assistants don’t change this.

You can tell Alexa to “turn on the mood lights” (or whatever else you’d rather name it), and if you have a scene with that particular name; any number of things can happen in that scene. For example: You can have all upstairs lighting (on several different switches or circuits) dim to a specific percentage, turn on the TV, select a specific input on the TV or home theater, set volume level, adjust the thermostat, lock the doors, lower the blinds, set a timer, etc…all with that one command.

Scene implementation on the switches themselves can be used in the same way. Any switch (with the ability) can call the same scene you’d call via Alexa or Google Assistant, but via button tap sequence. You can have the same exact scene be controlled by all of your switches, even. But, one place I’ve found it to be most useful is to allow performing catch-all tasks with one switch. I have 10 light switches in my master bathroom (I know it’s ridiculous…I didn’t wire it). If I left the vanity lights on, and perhaps the shower fan…and maybe the accent lighting, and realize this as I’m leaving the bathroom…I can either walk back in and turn each switch back off, or just double tap down the switch closest to the bathroom door. This will turn off any switch in the bathroom that I happened to leave on. And…I don’t have to talk to Alexa to do it, so my wife gets to continue sleeping as I’m leaving for work without hearing me talk to our friendly household wiretap.


I already asked that… :slight_smile: