This is my first post - so hopefully I am following protocol appropriately. I’m currently doing a large house install. It is a mix of Blue 2-1 Dimmers, Blue Switches, White 2-1 Dimmers and Blue Fan switches. I labeled each switch and where it should be installed for the electrician (so I could have the right distirbution of Thread / Zigbee devices and ensure the fan switches were installed at the fans). Unfortunatley, on visual inpsection I’m finding a few places where the White Series were installed where a Blue Series should have been installed. This is easy to spot and not a big deal - but my larger concern is whether or not this was isolated or whether the electrician complete ignored the direction. I’m going to be discussing with him on Monday.
My larger concern is the fan swtiches and whether non-fan switches have been installed on fan loads. This leads to my main question - is there an effective way to visually identify which of the following a switch is:
1.) Blue Series 2-1 Dimmer
2.) Blue Series On / Off switch
3.) Blue Series Fan Switch
This is easy to spot given the Matter code on the front of the White switch - I just can’t figure out the identification of the Blue Series switches.