I am having issues upgrading my VZM31-SN switches to the latest 2.18 (beta) firmware. It seems they all are are running sw_build_id 2.15 on my switches. I am using HomeAssistant 2024.5.2 with ZHA with the intial release of 2024.5 I was able to update my VZM36 canopy and my VZM35-SN switch. I beleive the problem is that the https://files.inovelli.com/firmware/firmware-zha-v2.json file which the current version zigpy uses has not been updated to include this version of the firmware, and given that my other two devices did update to the versions which are defined in that file this seems to align with my hypothesis.
Is there any way to either force zigpy/zha to use a different URL? Is there any reason this file wasn’t updated?