White Fan Switch - won't reboot

I installed two fan switches back in December and everything was working perfectly, except a few days ago one of the two dropped off my thread network. I’ve got almost 30 white dimmer switches that are still behaving just fine, FYI.

Then just yesterday the other fan Switch dropped off the network. Both switches still respond to physical presses, so I then tired to just reboot the switches by pulling the air gap… The fan would start to slow down like it lost power but the LED on the switch itself, remained on, and the switch didn’t appear to reboot or do anything. I’ll try flipping a breaker tomorrow to see if that’ll reboot the switch and allow it to reconnect, but I wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has run into a similar issue with the white fan switches?

Forgot to update: tripping the breaker did successfully reset the switch but the air gap still doesn’t do a full reboot, on one of the switches. It will kill power to the fan but as you can see in the photo above, the LED stays lit. My other fan switch was able to be rebooted by simply pulling the air gap and then pushing it back in.

After a successful reboot both switches now reconnect back to the thread network successfully.