White Series Dimmer with Home Assistant

Hi All,

We’re in the process of a new home build and I was planning to use a substantial number of Inovelli White Dimmer switches, but wanted to clarify any limitations first. When using Home Assistant with White series dimmers:

  1. Can an automation be used to trigger the color bar (ex: red when the alarm is set)?
  2. Do multitaps work in home assistant? (Ex double tap down to trigger a scene or turn off all lights)

Thank you!

Multi-taps work using the shared HA “Inovelli Matter Switch Tap Sequences” blueprint.

As far as I can tell, notifications using the LED bar are still a work in progress compared to the old Red series stuff. I can turn the LED bar on/off and set some colors, but things like fast/slow flash (that I use all the time with my Red switches) are still not supported.

HA’s Matter support is still a work in progress, so I’m hoping that the White series firmware and HA will evolve to have the missing stuff over the next year…


Thanks for sharing the blueprint. I’m glad to hear that home assistant / white does support the multi-taps.

You mentioned that the color of the notification bar can be changed which is also good news. Can this be done as part of an automation or is it simply a static change? In other words, can you use home assistant to hypothetically make the status bar red during certain events or does it remain the color that it was set?

Totally understand, no flashing on home assistant with the white at this time and no worries there.

Thank you!

Thank @francesc0 for developing/sharing the blueprint in this thread:


I have used it to create a multi-tap automation where 2-up, 3-up, and 4-up all set a different color on the LED status bar, and a long-down sets the color back to blue. I did this to test multi-taps without having to walk back and forth to my desktop computer. The ability to turn notifications on/off seems to be different than the Red series, and I haven’t dug into that yet because all of my current notifications are based on fast/slow flash (not supported yet) and not colors…

In Home Assistant the LED bar has its own light entity that can be turned on/off and set to any color, so yes you can use an automation to send basic/limited notifications. E.g., when my security alarm is arming I turn the LED light on and set the color to yellow, when the alarm is armed I change the color to red, and when it’s disarmed I turn the LED light off to clear the notification.

When the LED light entity is off, the switch just goes back to normal operation. The default is blue and the when it’s on the height of the LED light corresponds to the brightness level.

I imagine there will be updates in the near future that’ll open up more sophisticated LED effects like blinking, rising, falling, etc., at which point I might put together an automation/script that can be called to send notifications (similar to what’s available for the Blue series). Although I’m not sure how useful that will be, as the ability to send notifications just using the LED’s light entity is very convenient already.

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First - thank you for creating this blueprint! Without people like yourself, I would not be interested, and possibly not capable of controlling these switches. I appreciate your hard work.

Second - your detailed response is perfect. I was worried that the white series might interact differently than other series (blue/red) with Home Assistant, but it’s now clear that the steady notification colors (which I’m looking for) work very well, even if blinks, up/down etc. may or may not be somewhere in the future.

Thank you for the help!