Getting ready to pull the trigger, but need to understand the current limitations and if they may be resolved some day…
I’m coming from a UPB house (Simple Automated) that has worked well, for 12 years but been having problems and it is time to upgrade to something more future-proof, as I will be moving in a couple of years. I have 2 different [dumb] lights in my foyer, with 7 (yes, 7) switches controlling them. Tap up on each one turns on the chandelier 75%; double-tap turns on both lights near 100%. Note that of the 7 switches, obviously 2 of them control the loads - the other 5 are just for multi-way. Therefore one of these switches, the one with the 2nd light, has local control disabled, but the load can still be turned on remotely. And UPB fully supports binding - no controller behind any of this.
I know matter binding is “possible” but not supported by any hub today. But I have to believe it is coming someday, and in my case bindings is the right way to go to make this hub-independent.
So my question is: Someday, can I replicate this setup with White 2-1 dimmers, where tap-up on any of the 7 will turn on 1 load, even on the switch that is controlling the 2nd load? And then in turn setup (say) double-tab to turn on this 2nd load from any switch?