White Series - Disabling local control

Getting ready to pull the trigger, but need to understand the current limitations and if they may be resolved some day…

I’m coming from a UPB house (Simple Automated) that has worked well, for 12 years but been having problems and it is time to upgrade to something more future-proof, as I will be moving in a couple of years. I have 2 different [dumb] lights in my foyer, with 7 (yes, 7) switches controlling them. Tap up on each one turns on the chandelier 75%; double-tap turns on both lights near 100%. Note that of the 7 switches, obviously 2 of them control the loads - the other 5 are just for multi-way. Therefore one of these switches, the one with the 2nd light, has local control disabled, but the load can still be turned on remotely. And UPB fully supports binding - no controller behind any of this.

I know matter binding is “possible” but not supported by any hub today. But I have to believe it is coming someday, and in my case bindings is the right way to go to make this hub-independent.

So my question is: Someday, can I replicate this setup with White 2-1 dimmers, where tap-up on any of the 7 will turn on 1 load, even on the switch that is controlling the 2nd load? And then in turn setup (say) double-tab to turn on this 2nd load from any switch?

I think what you are describing is possible in Home Assistant.

You do have another option that you should consider. Inovelli also has a “smart” Auxiliary Add-On (Auxiliary) Switch – Inovelli which can be used in 3-way, 4-way or more configurations. When you use that smart Auxilliary, button tapping can be generated from the same switch that it is connected to. So, for example, in your case if you have Switch 1 connected to Load 1 and you can run the traveler to 5 Auxiliary switches, then any of those 5 auxiliary switches will control Switch 1 as well as cause Switch 1 to generate button tapping events as if Switch 1 was directly controlled. Then for example, you could use double-taps generated by Switch 1 to turn Switch 2 On/Off.

The Aux switch is also much cheaper than a “full” switch type.

Thanks - I plan to setup HA shortly and will look about being able to disable local control - but I didn’t see it in the manual options hence my concern.

Don’t think the aux switches would solve the problem since at the locations where the actual lights are controlled would still need to have local control disabled - just like I have now with the UPB switches.