Hello, just received my White series Fan Canopy Modules and White 2-1 switches to control the fan modules. I have around 30 inovelli switches (all white series) around the house but a little confused on how to integrate these two. Are we able to “link” the two together without the use of HomeKit? (similar to how I used to do this on Insteon) or once the Fan Canopy is added to HomeKit and the switch is added to home kit they operate independent of one another and must use HomeKit automations to control the canopy model from the switch?
Looking for any help on this as the use of the two is somewhat confusing. I can control the fan just fine from the canopy module itself, just trying to figure out how to link the canopy module with the 2-in-1 wall switch for light/fan control.
It’s the latter, for the present. The “Linking” your referred to is termed Binding. Inovelli switches support binding, but unfortunately, no hubs presently support Matter binding. But when they do, the switches will support that. (You need the hub to set up the binding, but once that occurs, the hub is no longer part of the communications.) (The Blues can be bound presently, but not the Whites.)
So for now you’ll have to control via automations, as you suggested.
Ah ok thank you, so just typical multi-tap sequences=something to the canopy module and some day in the future when/if matter supports this binding can be done between the two and through use of matter.
Do you have or anyone have examples of how you built these automations in HomeKit for best use of these two together?
Thank you, very helpful. Does HomeKit have the concept of a single click just advancing (not sure I said that correct) but where you could take the Config button on the Inovelli switch and Press turns fan on, press again speed 2, press again speed 3, press again off or is it just single, double tap etc… for long press.
You might be able to do that with a shortcut if the canopy module exposes the fan speed to HomeKit.
You could do triggered by config button single click:
-get state: fan speed
-if fan is off-> turn on low speed
-if fan is low → turn on medium
-if fan is medium → turn on high
-if fan is high → turn off
I’m still waiting for canopy modules and dimmers I just ordered but I set up home assistant after I installed my first dimmers. Not being able to get that button config tile off the home view pissed me off enough to get a raspberry Pi with home assistant to overcome the shortcomings of HomeKits interaction with inovelli matter switches. I had the same issue with a configurable Aqara switch too so it’s mostly a shortcoming of the matter protocol.