Z-Wave 800 Series Motion Switch | Project Linus (Red Series)

Hey my bad, I was just going through the comments and missed this one. So our original design didn’t have the ability to have zones (one of the main reasons we decided to move a different direction), it just had the ability to change the depth.

Longer, more in depth explanation here: Zigbee / Matter Motion Switch | Project Linus (Blue Series) - #558 by Eric_Inovelli

However, moving to the new sensor allows for all sorts of customizations with zones (more info here: Z-Wave 800 Series Motion Switch | Project Linus (Red Series) - #82 by Eric_Inovelli)

How we’re going to implement this? I’ll have to defer to @EricM_Inovelli on this one, but we are still working on the firmware as the new manufacturer just got this project, so we may not know the answer to this yet.

In other words, the ability for zoning and excluding certain areas (as well as a whole slew of other parameters that weren’t available before) are included in the mmWave sensor – the challenge is just as you laid out… how do we convert these to parameters?