Zigbee2MQTT Groups Giving "rampRateOffToOnRemote" error?

See: Setting the state of groups containing Inovelli Blue switches result in "rampRateOffToOnRemote" error · Issue #18851 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

Basically if I have groups containing Inovelli devices it seems like Z2M is trying to call rampRateOffToOnRemote on the group. Which obviously doesn’t have that property. Tried setting them on all members of the group etc. It’s causing the group behavior to be sporadic when turning on (e.g. not all devices turn on). But turning off seems to be fine.

Anyone seen this?

If anyone else is seeing this, can it be tied to a certain release of z2m?

@nathanfiscus I know you aren’t a z2m user, but have helped in the past. Are you familiar with what might be happening here?

According to the git issue, it is happening when this part of the converter is executed when a group is turned on:

 const defaultTransitionTime = await entity.read(
                        return {
                            state: {state: 'ON'},
                            readAfterWriteTime: transition.specified ?
                                transition.time * 100 :
                                // @ts-expect-error
                                defaultTransitionTime.rampRateOffToOnRemote * 100,

I wonder why this would happen when it is the group that is being controlled since the group is not going to be using this value.

Correct. That’s the odd part. It seems like it’s trying to find the ramp rate of the group…

I’m also seeing related issues in the HA log for that same setting like the following:

2023-12-18 11:56:58.871 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'rampRateOffToOnRemote' when rendering '{{ value_json.rampRateOffToOnRemote }}'
2023-12-18 11:56:58.994 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'rampRateOffToOnRemote' when rendering '{{ value_json.rampRateOffToOnRemote }}'
2023-12-18 11:56:59.002 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'rampRateOffToOnRemote' when rendering '{{ value_json.rampRateOffToOnRemote }}'

I finally had to filter them from the log because they repeat many times when anything happens to that group. Something about that setting is being mishandled, but I haven’t been able to figure out what yet.

I believe this change may correct the issue of there is someone that can test it:

Firmware bug: defaultLevelRemote does not work - Switches / General Discussion - Inovelli Community

If the change doesn’t negatively impact other functions I will look into getting it pushed into the z2m source.

I completely missed your message back in Jan, but I just noticed that the entire code block that causes this error was removed last week as part of feat: Expose Breeze Mode to Inovelli VZM35 by nathanfiscus · Pull Request #7115 · Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters · GitHub.

  • Remove condition in on\off converter that isn’t allowing the switch to use the rampRateOffToOnRemote parameter. (This is a reported fix from the Inovelli forums, some more cleanup of the logic here is probably needed.)

I’m grabbing the dev branch now to confirm that the error goes away.

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Let us know. Thanks for all those that helped on the recent PRs.

Curious if there’s an update on this? I’m seeing the log entries @rccoleman mentioned above a lot; I do have nearly all my VZM31-SN devices in groups though, so this issue is starting to make sense to me (couldn’t figure out where it was coming from).

For what it’s worth, I’m on Zigbee2MQTT v1.36.1 (which has herdsman converters v19.11.2) and Home Assistant 2024.4.3.

Sorry, forgot to come back and update this thread. I haven’t seen any of these messages since moving to dev, which isn’t surprising because it literally removes the code that produces them. The change went into zigbee-herdsman-converters v18.38.0, and as you say, Z2M v1.36.1 has v19.11.2. I just looked at the latest tip and it hasn’t returned. I don’t know why you’d see be seeing these errors.

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Thanks for replying and for the info. Sounds like something else is probably causing the log entries for me then. My search continues lol

Is it possible that you are using an external converter and it has older code? I don’t see the error either in my logs and I have many groups setup.

I double checked and I don’t have any external converters configured, unfortunately. My instance of Z2M has been around for about two years now and has gone through several upgrades (and me learning), so maybe there’s some legacy piece that’s misconfigured? :confused: Everything seems to be working pretty great other than this error showing up though.

I am targeting my Zigbee groups (VZM31-SN + various Hue bulbs) with the Adaptive Lighting integration, but I don’t think the issue is unique to AL’s adjustments though. I just tested completely disabling AL (and my supporting automation in HA) and the same error is logged when the group is turned on/off both from the switch and the light entity for the group in Home Assistant.

At the risk of high-jacking the thread, if anyone has any thoughts / ideas on what else to check, I definitely welcome them :slight_smile: Since 10:50a yesterday, the error has occurred about 6600 times lol.

Another thing to check with the converters is to make sure the file doesn’t exist anymore either. I had issues after removing the converter inside Z2M, but the file was still present and my issues went away after removing the file. Long shot, but work checking.

Thanks for the idea! I made sure I didn’t have external_converters defined in zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml and verified no js files in my zigbee2mqtt directory. No dice :frowning:

I don’t think this should make any difference, but I did recently change the configured Zigbee channel and generated non-default pan and ext pan IDs since I hadn’t done it when I set up Z2M originally. So with that, all of my Inovelli switches and Hue bulbs have been recently reset. I’m pretty sure this error was happening before, but it’s been a while since I’ve been able to review logs in depth. Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure if they stopped after updating Z2M at some point and now they’re back or if they’ve continued to happen the whole time (though I suspect the latter).

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I’m on the latest dev version and am not using an external converter, but I’m seeing this error as well.

  • Zigbee2MQTT version: 1.39.1-dev commit: d1734fe
  • Frontend version: 0.7.4
  • zigbee-herdsman-converters version: 19.75.0
  • zigbee-herdsman version: 0.55.5

@xenokira Did you ever find out what was causing these errors with your configuration, even when using the latest converters?

I don’t see those errors in my z2m logs anymore, but I do still very regularly see them in Home Assistant. I haven’t been able to figure out why, but I haven’t looked into it at all since my previous message in this thread. It happens a lot in HA though; over 2500 occurrences in less than 5 hours:

HA log entry:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/template.py:2651
First occurred: 1:04:04 PM (2506 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:53:14 PM

Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'rampRateOnToOffRemote' when rendering '{{ value_json.rampRateOnToOffRemote }}'