I got my first VZM35-SN today and quickly rushed to install it.
It’s showing up as unsupported in zigbee2mqtt. I re-pulled the container to make sure I have the latest code, but it’s still not showing up as supported. (Nor is it on the zigbee2mqtt website as supported.)
Any idea when support might get added? I know this is a brand new product.
You should be able to see those changes in the dev build today. The maintainer of Z2M usually cuts a production release at the beginning of each month otherwise, so you can use the external converter if you don’t want to move to the dev build.
Hi there. Apologies in advance for being a noob with zigbee2mqttt. I finally received the fan switch and got the fist one installed only to find out it wasn’t yet supported. I saw the zigbee-herdsman-converters link in a previous comment. I’m using Home Assistant running on a Windows machine via VirtualBox.
If I understood the previous comment correctly, I can wait until the beginning of Nov for a z2m update. But is there a way to do some sort of manual update without having to wait?