Blue - need multi-tap setup instructions for Home Assistant ZHA

Sometimes when the switches are included, there’s a packet missed and causes the parameters not accounted for. It has fixed a few on the forums; not saying it’s going to fix your issue but worth a shot.

Just did. As expected:

So, any other ideas how to fix it?
Somebody from Inovelli?

I encountered this same issue (no button actions showing up in HA) with one of my Blue dimmers. I’m also using HA and Z2M (the latest 1.30.4 version, which includes Blue FW 2.14 support). I had updated the switch to FW 2.14 before trying to create any automations in HA, so I don’t know if the button actions were present before the firmware update.

Instead of excluding and re-including the switch, I resolved it by pressing buttons on the switch (as someone suggested in another thread). For example, pressing the up button once would result in just the ‘“up_single” action’ becoming available. This had to be repeated for each action that I needed (which thankfully wasn’t many for my current setup). Not ideal, but maybe preferable to excluding/re-including.

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As I’ve mentioned above, including and excluding did nothing for me.

I am sure, work around can be find. But why? from Inovelli site:
“This versatile switch can be used as either an on/off or dimmer, and also features custom LED notifications and scene control
Looks like another empty promise.
I definitely understand “earlier adoption” point, but I found myself just constantly fighting these switches with beta type firmware.
This is really frustrating - instead of getting product on time, with the decent quality and just works right (and if not - customer support is involved and not only community forum volunteers are trying to help).
I work in semiconductor industry and I saw supply chain issue first hand (mainly with TSMC and packaging vendors), but we really trying hard to solve these issues and not just post yet another sad story to our customers why product is delayed again and how transparent we are telling you about that

@dan.strother - obviously, my frustration is nothing to do with you, you are actually helping (as other customers), but how about Inovelli will get their s^%t together and make it right for a change and will lead this conversation and suggest solution for the problems with THIER products.
I am pretty much sure that explanation will be related to HA, or Z2M or something else…

I guess my thoughts are I have over 30 2-1 switches in my network. All of them have the correct scene control enabled. However I’m using multiple Hubitats in my network and it seems there’s less issues with Hubitat compared to other hubs/controllers. I don’t think the denominator is Inovelli.

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This is exactly was my expectation from somebody from Inovelli :slight_smile: I have about 35 other zigbee and another 20 Z-wave devices in my HA with Z-wave JC and Zigbee2MQTT
Some of them really cheep junk from China. They all work, so I can tell you with confidence - denominator is Inovelli
You guys can probably put another disclaimer - works only with Hubitat. That really helps to improve your customer base
Buzzing sound with firmware 2.14 is due to Hub as well?
Don’t tell me that Red 2in1 constant delay is because of HA and Z2M

Well fortunately I’m a consumer. I’m not an employee of Inovelli. I’ve had my fair share of non-Inovelli products as well (to say where they originated is a moot point as most products are produced in China).

The switches work with a variety of hubs; however, if you look at the issues being reported, there are fewer reports by folks using Hubitat or SmartThings. Perhaps you real power users using HA are seeing more issues because the software was written for power users and have a lot more debugging capabilities than exposed on other platforms.

Again, I’m not an employee so I don’t decide which labels to put on the box or website.

The buzzing issue could easily be contributed to the new firmware as it enabled both trailer and leading edge capabilities (limited). I’ve updated all my switches and don’t hear any buzzing from my canned lights or the switches. I also have had my hearing checked in the last couple months and don’t suffer from hearing loss either.

The firmware has only been out for a month and all the feedback gets provided back to Inovelli, hardware and firmware engineer. I’m not sure why people expect nightly repos for a switch. It’s a $50 switch that works really well out of the box. There are the exceptions like with any vendor. Inovelli has always stated that their competitors have great products. Perhaps you should consider that RA3 product line. I myself find it silly to spend $200 on a switch, but each person is allowed to spend their money the way they choose.

I’m unfamiliar with the constant delay you speak of. If you mean with the manufacturing delay then obviously it’s not due to HA or Z2M.


My experience has been such that HA is the root cause of the inconsistencies. HA is maybe the best overall, but they also have a long way to go. With open source, it’s hit or miss on feature behavior and especially on documentation.

A specific thing that I’ve had to do with HA in both zwave and ZigBee is to reinterview the device after including it and then wait a few minutes. What they really need is a first packet that indicates what else is coming, and if all those things don’t arrive, the client should automatically ask again for the ones that didn’t eventually arrive. This sort of thing is not an Inovelli issue but an issue with robustness of programming and handling data in a mesh network.

My hope is that Matter will help to make these issues go away. If nothing else, it will mean fewer interfaces to program against and therefore more time to spend on making it work well. :crossed_fingers:

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This allowed me to ‘see’ the multiple tap options. Thank you for posting!

Team, the up_double, down_tripple, etc. multi-tap feature in HA is not working.

I was able to map the muli-tap actions in HA, but today, they all disappeared in HA. The HA automation’s I created now show unknown trigger instead of up_double, etc. The automation’s were working great for a bit over a week, now there is disconnect between the Inovelli Blue and HA. Has anyone seen this and have a work around?

I am also being bit by this. I finally get an automation in HA working with double tap and a few hours later it fails. Instead of “up_double” or “down_double” it says unknown. Very frustrating.

I guess I can switch from Z2M to ZHA and try the blueprint approach. Are people have more success with that?


I use a double tap down on a blue every day in z2m. I’m using NR versus the built in automations and subscribing to the mqtt topic

You can stick with Zigbee2mqtt and use this blueprint: Blue 2 in 1, firmware 2.15 - multi tap stoped working - #9 by rohan


Something quick to try.

  1. Restart Z2MQTT add on
  2. If you have created multi-tap switch automation’s before, they will show unknown.
  3. Now, go to a switch and physically press the double, triple, up down taps on the switch that the automation’s were previously created on.
  4. Go to your automation and the down_double, up_triple, will be shown and the automation will now execute moving forward.

Hi wardwolfram33,

Yes, I have tried that. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. For some reason, even when it works, it then stops after awhile. It could be that I am new to Home Assistant and so am messing with a lot of stuff, but it still annoying.

Hi stu1811,

I had not looked at Node Red yet. I just spent the last several hours figuring out how the pieces fit together and so far it is working beautifully!

Thanks you!


Hi rohan,

If I had seen your message before stu1811s I would have tried that. As it is, that looks very interesting and I will have to spend some time looking into it.


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Yes, every time I reboot the HA server, the multi-tap options disappear from their automatons. It is a pain! :slight_smile:

I have a light switch physically wired into my inovelli switch - I only want to physically turn it on if the light switch is double pressed - if it is single pressed - I would like to turn some lamps on instead.

Any tips?

Right now I just have it turn off the light on up button pressed once - but that causes the light to flicker and it looks kind of bad