Blue Series 2-1 Firmware Changelog | VZM31-SN

I have one switch (out of a handful) that was upgraded to 2.17, and now it will not turn off the bound zigbee group. On works, but the lights do not turn off when the switch turns off. I’ve done a factory reset, and still no luck. Is this related to the bugs in 2.17?

Likely yes. I had freezing occur where the switches stop responding for sometimes up to 10 minutes. My first group of switches on 2.18 seemed good, but I have a few others on 2.17 that I’ve attempted to update but they keep saying “update complete from 2.17 to 2.17” so not sure, they seem stuck lol

I think 2.17 is only sending ‘off’ if OnOff is bound to the zigbee group. This switch only had LevelCtrl bound, as the instructional video says to do. That video needs to get updated for the new firmware.

I am not sure how this could be firmware related tbh. I used to have the problem where certain device actions wouldn’t show up for me, but then I was able to correct it by going to the switch and performing the action. For example, if up_double wasn’t showing up, I would go to the switch and double tap up. Refreshing the screen would then make that show up as an option, but it doesn’t anymore. I’m wondering if the actions you are seeing are ones that previously got sent by the switch when the above behavior worked, but now it does not?

Edit: I was able to restore the behavior I described above by enabling legacy triggers.

Z2M is removing functionality of legacy triggers. So it’s likely best to just type it in manually for the long run.

You could also use my blueprint: [zigbee2mqtt] Blue Series 2-1 missing action sensor in Home-Assistant - #15 by rohan (it doesn’t depend on the legacy triggers and makes handling things a little easier since you don’t have to type anything in)

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I looks like the latest HA update changed the URL for the json file to – This notified me of a new update for my canopy fan controller, but it looks like that file is lagging behind in version data for other devices. I am not sure if this was intentional or not, but I thought I would mention this just in case.

I’m not sure that’s the right URL.
I just updated my HA Core/ZHA to 2024.5.0 which then offered updates to my Blue 2-1 switches from 0x0102020f to 0x01020212, 2.15 to 2.18 (which all ran nicely). But that URL file seems to say that the latest for a VZM31-SN is 2.08. (There is a file that does describe 2.18 for a VZM31-SN, getting it from github)

I see the update available in Z2M. Applying to my test switch (my home office) right now. We’ll see how it goes!

edit: didn’t seem to apply. It appeared to go through the entire upgrade process, but when it came back and was supposedly done, FW was still 2.15. I tried dev console → Endpoint: 1, cluster: genBasic, attribute: swBuildId and it’s still reporting as 2.15 :thinking:

edit2: Looking at the GitHub repo, I see 2.18 is still in the beta directory anyway. I will cool it :stuck_out_tongue:

I got updates for my canopy controller and fan switch, but not the light switches.

I think the v2 URL is hard-coded in the release:

May want to try again. I just updated and it is showing as 2.15, but when I use the dev console, I do get 2.18.

Just tried again with no change–same behavior, the firmware upgrade gets all the way through the update (both the LED bar and z2m indicate the update applying), but the new version is never applied. Log snippet below. I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with my switch :confused:

Info 2024-05-02 13:22:52Updating 'Main Office switch- lights' to latest firmware
Info 2024-05-02 13:22:56Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 0.00%
Info 2024-05-02 13:23:26Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 1.42%, ≈ 36 minutes remaining
Info 2024-05-02 13:23:56Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 3.13%, ≈ 32 minutes remaining
Info 2024-05-02 13:24:26Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 4.58%, ≈ 32 minutes remaining
...dropped % increment rows to for conciseness...
Info 2024-05-02 13:53:51Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 98.08%, ≈ 1 minutes remaining
Info 2024-05-02 13:54:21Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 99.42%, ≈ 0 minutes remaining
Info 2024-05-02 13:54:47Update of 'Main Office switch- lights' at 100.00%
Info 2024-05-02 13:56:47Finished update of 'Main Office switch- lights'
Info 2024-05-02 13:56:47Configuring 'Main Office switch- lights'
Info 2024-05-02 13:56:48Device 'Main Office switch- lights' was updated from '{"dateCode":"20230602","softwareBuildID":"2.15"}' to '{"dateCode":"20230602","softwareBuildID":"2.15"}'

For good measure, I did also check the swBuildId in the dev console. Still v2.15.

I’m at work right now trying to update the switches. I’ve had to try the update on a few switches multiple times. I have a feeling it’s not your switch. There was also a new version of Z2M released I think today. I’m waiting for this batch to finish and I’m going to update one of my Z2M’s and see if that helps at all.

If I’m wrong, I hope someone will correct me, but I think that if the switch doesn’t get all the bytes from the OTA, it’ll fail the update and not physically update the switch. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the switches and Z2M installs being updated, they the firmware files coming across are not downloading correctly.

I was thinking similar, actually. I assume the switch runs a checksum on the OTA file before attempting to write it to firmware…and in my case, the transfer completes but is corrupted, so the checksum is fails. Just a theory, I don’t know if this is actually the case because I’m not sure where/if there are logs anywhere.

I wouldn’t have pointed to my switch right away, but I upgraded two newly installed switches from v2.08 to v2.15 with zero issues just two days ago. That was before upgrading to Z2M 1.37, but this particular switch has failed consistently between Z2M 1.36 and 1.37. I’ll try another switch later and see how that goes.

I haven’t tried to factory reset the switch yet either, though I just did it a few weeks ago when I changed Zigbee channels.

How do you do that exactly? On which entity do you have that trigger? If I go to all states in development tools and filter on “action”, I get nothing.

Not sure why you’d be in the development tab at all. We are talking about automations, you should be looking and editing your automation.

‘action’ is an expose of each switch.

Your automation should be looking for the trigger I mentioned in my last post for whatever switch you’re trying to create the automation for.

Is it from the first batch of switches? Mine did the same thing going from 2.17 to 2.18 but reflashing the bootloader through the dev JTAG fixed it.

I was in the development tab because I couldn’t find which entity to use in my automation. I did use:

platform: state
attribute: action
to: up_single

As an automation trigger, but I don’t know that to put as “entity_id”…

@xenokira or anyone else that is having issues updating, there are a couple things to check. Sometimes an update will not finish completely and has to be restarted. It may even get to 99% but not get all the way through. I have seen this happen more often on ZHA, but on Z2M as well. It is also more likely if you are running multiple updates at the same time.

On Z2M it will also finish the update but querying the switch isn’t timed correctly so it won’t show the correct firmware version. You can look it up by going to the Dev Console (for the device) → ep1 → genBasic → swBuildId. Usually doing this and a restart of z2m will show the new version in the device page. You can know this is happening as well because if you click “Check for new firmware” in the OTA screen it will come back and say an update is not available.

If you are still having issues considering these things please open a ticket and we will help work through it.

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Are you not using the GUI? All you have to do is choose the entity which is your switch.