I found another post on the same behavior I’m having with the new white series dimmer switch. Is there really no solution to this? My primary use for a dimmer is to turn on my lights at a low dim setting for overnight. This issue effectively makes these nearly useless for my use case. I also have limited choices for bulbs as I require Edison styled bulbs for my use case. The switches have worked well for everything else I wanted, but not turning on at low dim is frustratingly bad behavior. FWIW, I replaced previous wemo dimmers in the same places, which all handled the low-dim-on scenario fine with the same bulbs.
If the bulb turns off at the bottom of the dimming curve you just have to adjust trim so the switch doesn’t dim that low.
Adjust parameter 4 in local configuration up until the switch turns on. Save it.
Right, if both on and off occur at the same relative point, I could adjust the trim. However, this is unbalanced behavior, and the on point occurs around 40% with a relative brightness expected for 40%, while the off point is below 5% with a very dim brightness expected for 5%.
On the blue series (and red I believe), there’s a parameter called Quick Start Time (and Quick Start Level) for those specific situations. It basically had the switch provide a jolt of power at a higher amount before dropping back to the dimmed amount when turning on. This resolves issues like you are describing.
I do not know if it’s supported on the white series since I don’t have one.
Also try leading edge.
To put your switch into Leading Edge Mode (for dimming) on your White Series 2-1 Switch, hold down on the top part of the paddle (on) while simultaneously tapping the configuration button thirteen (13) times (do not let go of the paddle when finished tapping the config button). Wait for the LED Bar to flash solid pink (and then let go of the paddle) indicating the switch has enabled Leading Edge Mode. Please note switching between Leading Edge & Trailing Edge Mode is only available on firmware version 2.15 and above.
In my case I’m using LED bulbs and I believe trailing edge is recommended? I thought I tried both modes and got the same behavior… but now that I think about it, I’m not sure. What mode are the white series switches set to by default?
That sounds exactly like what I need. Sadly, the white series does not describe such a configuration parameter in it’s documentation.
Ya, I had it backwards. You want trailing edge. I expect they ship set to leading edge like the Blue and Red switches do.