Dimming Speed or Step

I may be missing something really simple here, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I’m trying to see if there is a way to change the rate at which the switch dims or brightens when holding the rocker on the switch.

In the device handler there is a “Dimming Step Size” but I think that only affects the rate at which it turns on and off when pressing the rocker once for on and off.

Is there something else I’m missing that changes the rate the dimming occurs when holding the rocker?
For example if the switch is off and I press and hold the rocker on I would hope to have the dimmer go to 0 to 50 in 4 steps or whatever it can be step to.

In regards to this switch:

Thanks all!

I believe there are actually 4 settings:

  • Dimming Speed (Parameter 1) - How quickly changes in brightness occur when changed remotely. 0-100. Higher numbers mean longer time to transition
  • Dimming Speed From Switch (Parameter 2) - How quickly changes in brightness occur when changed from the switch itself. 0-100. Higher numbers mean longer time to transition. When set to 101 (the default), it will use the same transition time as the Dimming Speed parameter above
  • Ramp Rate (Parameter 3) - How quickly the switch transitions from off to on or vice versa when changed remotely. 0-100. Higher numbers mean longer time to transition. When set to 101 (the default), it will use the same transition time as the Dimming Speed parameter above
  • Ramp Rate From Switch (Parameter 4) - How quickly the switch transitions from off to on or vice versa when changed from the switch itself. 0-100. Higher numbers mean longer time to transition. When set to 101 (the default), it will use the same transition time as the Dimming Speed parameter above

I assume “Dimming Step Size” corresponds with Parameter 1 (Dimming Speed), but I likely use a different hub than you, so I am not 100% sure. Depending on exactly what you are trying to accomplish, you may need to change one or more of these settings.