Firmware v1.45 (Beta) | LZW31-SN | Dimmer - Red Series (Gen 2)

@EricM_Inovelli I have tried 2 & 4, 3, and 3&4, Association 3 was working with small delay but synced the group nicely in a fan light combo. Yes when I use voice or control level through the app the dimmer isn’t forwarding the level to the bulbs. I have other associations that are operational, just this set up started acting up after updating the bulbs and ST Hub Firmware updates last week. The dimmer is receiving setLevel, reporting BasicReport. It only appears to send SwitchMuliLevel with Off/On to the bulbs.
SETUP: I have 3 LZW42 in a fan/light combo, powered via a dummy switch, always on. The dimmer is Neutral install in the same box with no load.