Having a bit of an odd problem with some of my Blue switches in Home Assistant (via Z2M).
All of my switches, and the automations they’re involved in, have been working great. Recently, I’ve been gradually moving my automations over from being device-based to being entity based, which means triggering on a switch’s Action entity.
While doing this, I’ve discovered that the Action entity for some of the switches never updates. Upon further investigation, it seems to be all of the switches whose firmware version Z2M reports as 2.15, even though all of my switches are on 2.18, as confirmed by the Z2M dev console. (The article that pointed me to the dev console also mentioned that Z2M should eventually get the right version number, but I updated these months ago so I assume it’s never happening).
Anybody know how I can fix this?
What does the dev console report if you gen basic->swBuildId?
Well, some searching for dealing with the wrong firmware version being displayed led me to the answer. Clicking “reconfigure” on the switch in Z2M causes it to get the right firmware version (@EricM_Inovelli, maybe this should be mentioned in this article). After that, the switch’s Action entity starts showing actions.
Often you have to pull the swBuildId via the dev console and then reconfigure. Glad you found it.
What I am meaning in that article is after you use the dev console to get the gen basis->swBuildId information, it eventually will update on the device page after that procedure (I think after a reboot). At least that was my experience.
Ah, got it. That makes sense. Are there any negative side effects from forcing it with a reconfigure?
The only thing I can think of is if you have set custom reporting on something like the energy / power reporting, I think a reconfigure will set those back to default. You would just have to set them again. I sometimes set the reporting like mentioned in this post:
Integrating Zigbee Canless Lights For Entire Home - Juno Connect - Switches / General Discussion - Inovelli Community