The binding UI in Z2M isn’t particularly obvious to those of us who aren’t Zigbee experts. I’m just trying to bind two switches, one of which controls a load and one of which doesn’t. Help, please…?
I’m trying to do the same thing. There are no smart bulbs in the fixture and I have two Blue dimmers installed. One dimmer controls load (mudroom solo), the other dimmer (mudroom) is only powered by line/neutral.
I attempted to set up my bindings as such but the powered only dimmer (mudroom) does not affect the primary dimmer (mudroom solo).
I’ve set up a group with the two dimmers. The powered only dimmer is still not working as expected. Do I also need to set up binding for the group?
nm. Got it. Set up the second switch binding to the group and it works now. I’ve got a few kinks to work out (like dimming function and LED bar synchronization) but I understand the relationship. Thank you.
I have two Blue switches controlling one light.
Blue 1 has line, load and neutral.
Blue 2 just has line and neutral, so it’s not physically connected to the light, and also no traveller to Blue 1.
Just hoping for the best, for Blue 1, in Z2M I selected "Bind, then added the following to new binding:
Source Endpoint: 2
Destination: Blue 2
Destination Endpoint: 1
Clusters: LevelCtrl, OnOff checked
For Blue2, I also went to Z2M->Bind and added
Source Endpoint: 2
Destination: Blue 1
Destination Endpoint: 1
Clusters: LevelCtrl, OnOff checked
I have no idea what source or destination endpoints do, but everything works this way. With LevelCtrl checked but OnOff unchecked, I could change the brightness of the lights with the dimming function, but couldn’t turn the lights on or off. Checking “OnOff” fixed this, quite obviously in hindsight.
I didn’t check Identify or manuSpecificInovelliVZM31SN, not sure what these do.