Hubitat Blue 2-1 Driver Not Updating Switch Status

I am using hubitat c7 with the Blue Series Dimmer. I notice my device switch attribute doesn’t get updated pretty much ever for all 5 dimmers I’ve tried. I turned on the debugging and it looks like the switch is getting a response but the driver doesn’t update.

Hubitat logs:

dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.702 am trace Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: ON_OFF_CLUSTER (clusterId:0006 [name:switch, value:off])
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.700 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: zigbee.getEvent [name:switch, value:off]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.697 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: [raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 5F37 00 00 0000 0B 01 0000, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:5F37, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, 00]]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.694 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: parse(catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 5F37 00 00 0000 0B 01 0000)
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.586 am trace off [he cmd 0x5F37 0x01 6 0 {}, delay 500]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:52.582 am info Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: off()

dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.884 am trace Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: ON_OFF_CLUSTER (clusterId:0006 [name:switch, value:on])
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.875 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: zigbee.getEvent [name:switch, value:on]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.872 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: [raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 5F37 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:5F37, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[01, 00]]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.868 am debug Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: parse(catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 5F37 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100)
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.753 am trace on [he cmd 0x5F37 0x01 6 1 {}, delay 500]
dev:20192022-10-26 01:01:50.747 am info Upstairs Hallway Dimmer: on()

I did an on() call then an off() call. The light correctly turned on/off, but the switch attribute didn’t change.

Looks like the code is reaching Line 1186 at Hubitat/Drivers/inovelli-dimmer-blue-series-vzm31-sn.src/inovelli-dimmer-blue-series-vzm31-sn.groovy at master · InovelliUSA/Hubitat · GitHub then does nothing since parameter 51 is 0.

The dimmer is configured as a dimmer with 3-way dumb switch. These are the state variables:

driverDate : 2022-08-14
fwDate : 2020805
fwVersion : 2.00
lastCommand : Refresh All
lastCommandTime : 2022-Oct-26 1:11:58 AM
lastEventAttribute : 257
lastEventCluster : PRIVATE_CLUSTER (0xFC31)
lastEventTime : 2022-Oct-26 1:12:21 AM
lastEventValue : 00
lastRan : 1666752573175
manufacturer : Inovelli
model : VZM31-SN
parameter1value : 5
parameter2value : 127
parameter3value : 0
parameter4value : 127
parameter5value : 127
parameter6value : 127
parameter7value : 127
parameter8value : 127
parameter9value : 3
parameter10value : 100
parameter11value : 0
parameter12value : 0
parameter13value : 101
parameter14value : 101
parameter15value : 101
parameter17value : 11
parameter18value : 10
parameter19value : 3600
parameter20value : 10
parameter21value : 1
parameter22value : 1
parameter23level : 100
parameter23value : 0
parameter256value : 0
parameter257value : 0
parameter258value : 0
parameter260value : 1
parameter50value : 0
parameter51value : 0
parameter52value : 0
parameter53value : 0
parameter95custom : 237
parameter95value : 168
parameter96value : 170
parameter97value : 100
parameter98value : 1
powerOnState : Previous
powerSource : Neutral

Hmmm… It’s working for me with Smart Aux and No Aux. :thinking: Can you try setting it to “None” (no aux switch) and see if the switch state updates? You can do the test with the dumb switch still wired in.

parameter 51 is the number of bindings. It should be 0 unless you configure this switch to be bound to another device. This is not really the issue, just happens to be in the same section of code.

I am having a similar problem. I am using hubitat c7 using the Inovelli Driver and binding them to some Philips Hue bulbs using the Zigbee Bindings App. The bulbs are directly connected to hubitat (no Hue hub). The switch is setup in smart bulb mode and is wired single pole with a neutral wire.

When I use the blue switch manually, the lights turn on a function correctly, but hubitat does not register their state correctly (e.g. the lights are on, the switch LED correctly displays their level, but hubitat shows that they are off)

When I turn on the lights virtually via hubitat, the blue lightswitch LED bar does not sync appropriately (e.g. the lights are on, hubitat shows that they are on, but the switch LED incorrectly displays their level as off).

Is there anything I’m missing in order to get them synced up?

So I suspect the problem for me is tied to Blue Series 2-1 Signal / Routing / Performance Issue Troubleshooting Thread - #119 by bgreet. It looks like there is a different message that is sent for “on” / “off” state, but for some reason that message isn’t sent consistently. I have seen it sometimes in the logs. Yet the message for ON_OFF_CLUSTER is sent often for some reason.