Hello Team,
Setting up the Blue switches is pretty easy - I ensure that I press the button combinations (such as “double up”) so that the trigger is an option in HA automations.
When Zigbee is rebooted in HA, these triggers are gone and unrecognized/undefined in HA automations. The only way I konw of to get them back, is to removed the Blue from HA’s Z2M, and re-add the device. This is not a great long term option and takes time.
Has anyone run across this? If so, what do you do to help eliminate this extra work?
I don’t use Z2M personally so can’t speak too much to it, but I’d recommend either using rohan’s blueprint or manually specifying the triggers should work as shown here.
I was having this issue for many of my devices using Z2M. I was running the official MQTT addon repository and after a little research, looks like MQTT was the culprit, at least for me. I came across this reddit post for others having issues with buttons. I switched to EMQX based on that discussion and I haven’t had an issue since. Wasn’t very difficult to switch over, took about 30 minutes. I wasn’t familiar with EMQX, but leveraged a Mostly Chris tutorial and it went smoothly. I also like the built in GUI that can help with problem solving and gives more control over the broker.
Hmmm. This blueprint allowed me to control lights, etc. when a automation trigger would not display the Inovelli Blue action in HA such as “single up” ,etc.
I am curious about this… such as, what is causing the Inovelli to lose these triggers? 1) Z2M 2) HA 3) Inovelli FW, 4) a combination of things?
Why I ask is that in the last 6-8 months, Zigbee has not gotten better for me. Besides working around this issue, I have to restart the Z2M bridge after HA core updates, etc. Thoughts?
That’s interesting, I’ve encountered the same problem whereas previously I did not have this issue (rebooting TubeZB to see devices). Also no longer picking up button presses on some of my devices. I may try out EMQX and see if its the mqtt broker