LZW45 (light strip) drivers for home assistant?

Are you using the lzw45 in HA? Do the effects get detected for you? I have a feeling the supplied lzw45 file from inovelli is missing the effects command class. I haven’t gone through the file myself to confirm, just wondering if it’s working for you. Also, if you do have the device, when you call a turn on event with a color value, does it directly swap to the color in question? I’ve noticed that I have to call multiple turn_on’s in order to have it swap directly to the correct RGB that’s supplied.

EDIT: It looks like the effects are performed with config param adjustments, so that’ll be service calls. Now for the oddness with color taking multiple turn_on services…

It seems to be an issue with OpenZWave and the transition value. If you set the transition to 0 it should properly update the color. I think there are some open issues on the openzwave library related to this at the moment.

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But I am asking when will the OZW 1.6 add on pull the new manufacturer_specific.xml and the LZW45.xml from the repo? It was added 3 days ago now. I dont know if thats the correct question to be asking or i should be asking, when does the repo device list get officially updated? Because checking it today, the LZW45.xml is still not listed on the offical device list page. Why do i have to move heaven and earth to manually update the files myself (ok, little dramatic maybe)

@petro @nathanfiscus
Is this the issue you guys are referring to? When trying to set color via the color wheel?

Unfortunately this is a complicated situation. The HA community put so much pressure on the OZW developer that he decided to take a break. Updates will come when he decides to do them. Otherwise, continue manually adjusting the files.

Currently, the HA team is working on getting a second zwave integration using a different platform from OZW called Zwave JS. In the future, users will have the choice between the 2 platforms. Hopefully, this will lower the burden on the OZW developer so he can return without being pushed to exhaustion.

Yeah I’ve read about ZWave JS. Didnt know the dev on OZW 1.6 decided to take a break and he alone is the gatekeeper (seems like a bad setup IMO. Us depending on 1 person)

Most open source is like that.

@EricM_Inovelli Seems my email has moved where it puts my forum notifications, so I didn’t see this.

I tried the adjustment to the zwcfg finle suggested, and I’m still getting the same behavior from the beta: My cool white is non-existent, I can change colors but I have to make a brightness adjustment after selecting the color to get the light to actually switch, and then it’s sudden and not transition.

Not sure when I will have time to play with it again, but I may need to retry flashing firmware, and remove-add the node.

If others have gotten it to work, perhaps I got a faulty device, or one of the early firmware changes corrupted the device (if that’s possible even).

I have the same issue with the white temperature slider when I moved my strip the 1.4 Z-Wave (Works in 1.6). I haven’t had a chance to mess with it more to see what it is doing. The transition issue is an issue with OpenZwave in general:

Incorrect color “Target Value” · Issue #2447 · OpenZWave/open-zwave (github.com)

VerifyChanges integrated with level and target in SwitchMultiLevel (and others) · Issue #1321 · OpenZWave/open-zwave (github.com)

Its also apparently still an issue with the new integration backed by zwavejs:

Get after Set captures transitional value rather than final value for some devices · Issue #452 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js (github.com)

I doubt with all that is going on in the OpenZWave community that it will get resolved soon in that project. There is a little more hope for the zwave-js issue as there has been movement on that within the last week. Best suggestion I have here is to remove the transition (set it to 0) when you make color changes or brightness changes.

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The directions linked in @IseWise’s link have an outdated xml file. Parameter 30 is set to a max of 2 bytes (65535) instead of 3 (16777215).

Where are the directions you mention? Parameter 30 I thought was 4 bytes.

I can’t get color changes to work without having to select the color multiple times (shown in video by @nappyjim above) and I also don’t have the slider for warm/cold white working. Anyway we can update the installation guide to include steps on how to get these working? I am using the default HA z-wave integration (1.4). I read somewhere that transition and features can be tweaked but I don’t know exactly how to do that.

@anis I know this doesnt really fix the core issue of the color wheel not working quite right, but…

Although theres technically, 16 million or whatever the count is, colors; in practice theres really 10-20 depending on if you wanna start going shades ( light blue, dark blue, etc)

I ended up setting up node red to turn the light on and send the hs_color. Then created a drop down menu with those options.


As simplified examples, heres how you would change it to a neon green. I found you have to set brightness or else the color call doesnt work.

This guide. I couldn’t locate the github repo to made the suggested edit.

This is the link in the guide: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/InovelliUSA/OpenZWave/master/config/inovelli/lzw45.xml

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Ok, I see what your saying. The value actually needs to be changed to 2147483647 since it is now 4 bytes. I will do that.

Edit: Although this is a 4 byte parameter, we actually are not yet using the last 2 bytes. I am going to update the max value for the future, but the current version should not cause any problems.

@anis There is a reference to this post in the KB article:

LZW45 (light strip) drivers for home assistant? - Home Assistant - Inovelli Community

Also, read the replies to this post as you also need to change “supported_features” to 177 to get the color temp.

I will try to add this information directly to the KB article but hopefully this will be enough to get you going.

This isn’t need if you’re running Zwave JS or OpenZwave (Beta).

@EricM_Inovelli @petro so the supported_features works for warm/cold white on ozw 1.4 but what about the color picking? I have to click 6-8 times to get the right color. There is nothing that I see in the guide or in this thread regarding that or did I miss it? transition can be tweaked when turning light on/off but that’s all I could find.

That’s a bug in OpenZwave (beta & 1.4), the only way to avoid it is to set the transition to 0.

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Stupid question maybe, where do i set transition to 0? I dont see it listed in the OZW beta GUI for the node.

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You set it on the service call, it’s not something you configure on the device. I also found using the quick effects was nicer in ozw. It’s basically the same as turning it on but you don’t have issues with ozw not waiting for the state to catch up.

Oh I thought setting transition to 0 would solve the issue I show in the video i posted in reply 43.

But yes, I have been using quick effects to set everything.